MGLS - FuckItAll℞ Part 1

Doesn’t empowerment mean that a woman has the choice to do this kind of job and that she isn’t forced into doing it? I.E. she can choose to be what she wants without expectations of her based on gender alone. If she wants to camwhore without being shamed by it or forced into it? Things get all blurry when people start

There is no difference. A woman deciding on her own to dress a certain way while streaming it is making that choice regardless if she works for herself or obtaining a brand new job doing that. She's a) wearing a bikini and b) streaming. Now if she had a streaming job that didn't require a bikini and is threatened to

Gaming porn is a thing for which I am thankful for. Rule 34 and all.

So, you’re feeling particularly aggrieved because people don’t like assholes griefing other players for no reason? I see your comment to TenOfDiamonds, about how telling people who are actively trolling people that they’re being assholes is somehow wrong. You know, what’s to stop me from coming to your house, raiding

Lots of assholes commenting on your opinion. They seem so defensive and angsty... like fifteen year old trolls made you called them out for being shitlords.

Your router is platform agnostic and doesn't give a shit what Microsoft thinks.

You have endured, Cassiebearrawr, where many have fallen by the wayside. I salute you!

Did you set up a firewall? People have been lamenting their privacy since Windows XP. I knew someone who wouldn't upgrade from Win 95 because "Microsoft be spying on me, yo."

If doing thing (a) causes person (b) to flip out, either stop doing the thing person (b) hates or leave person (b.)

Indeed. RUN! COPS GOT GUNS! (song reference)

That was for the best though and hopefully he ends up with someone more compatible with his personality.

Absence makes you forget the things you dislike/hate about someone and allows you to dwell on the positive lovey-dovey "makes me horny" type of things.

Bingo bango, this.

Flirting with your ex and the ex flirting back is a smidge on the emotional cheating spectrum. True, it isn’t always cause for full on panic red blinking light type of doom, but it is a yellow light advising caution and to not tread there. Adding to this, it’s disrespectful as well.

This right here is better advice than the column's answer.

There already exists a schism and trust issues. The well has been irreparably poisoned. The seed has been sown. That doesn't mean the relationship is over but if the situation continues on the same course than it will be over, very shortly.

Acknowledging you have feelings and bringing them to the light of day helps. Honesty helps. Accepting that you feel a certain way helps. Maybe that's what you meant about 'letting them flow through you'?

DrNerdLove, your phrasing is terrible. You should say some people are actually able to feel things without acting on them. Be it getting it on with an ex while in a relationship or acting on a jealous feeling and snooping on their partner, most people have a hard time not acting on their feelings - in relationships.

That's the only way to do it. Once the snake is in the garden, the apple is poisoned and it is best to walk away than trying to stick together and make it work.

That last relationship has been poisoned and it will take a lot of effort from both parties to recover from it. I don’t see it healing if she stays in contact with her ex, though. It doesn’t matter if she is 100% faithful and totally honest. There just isn’t enough trust in the entirety of the world for that to not