MGLS - FuckItAll℞ Part 1

I'm okay with losing all of those crops until California gets its shit together. Though I will miss the garlic, I can sacrifice.

Using Kelvin, the Metric system in the U.S., and fighting for Linux.

Luckily there are so many loopholes for getting it reinstalled without buying a new license, eh?

I like my Note 3 and I too wish it had LOL. However, it appears I'm just going to have to purchase an unlocked Nexus.

I was thinking the same thing.

Agreed. You see so many technological hurdles people want to implement but, of course, they fail to realize any system that makes it more difficult on the average consumer the less likely it'll be successful.

Is that a... challenge? ;)

SJWs, MOUNT UP! Time to regulate... internet comments.

Edited - story too old.

Wakefield should be put on trial for negligent homicide for every patient that dies who wasn't vaccinated in any 1st world nation. I loathe him.

Is this article about West Africa or California?

"Why People Think Friday the 13th Is Unlucky"

Oh Tad, I dare you 20 internet bucks to go over to Gawk/Jeze and say shit like "pffft, bitches could be lying 'cuz they were drunk. I see no contract, so obviously it wasn't a crime."

Don't reply to child, it's a truth-fer troll account.

I've got to keep in mind that while Gawker Media is an internet blog, reprinting nationwide news, its viewpoints come from NYC and us such almost always reflect a heavy bias against firearms.

"I can't think of a single legitimate reason why someone who is already in state custody and posing no threat to anyone would need to be killed."

I know this won't sway anyone, but I'll list my reasoning for the death penalty:

Obviously not enough people in the society to make up the majority in order to totally repeal the death penalty. So, as large a number as you may be, you're still the minority.

It means 3 out of 5 Americans aren't being treated properly. ;)

Thermite. It's what's for dinner.