MGLS - FuckItAll℞ Part 1

Democrats and Republicans are cut from the same cloth, just from different ends. Both lack any moral fiber when it comes to how much they hate the other.

Say what you want, they already raised over a million in just one day.

I'm not mad about it and I find nigga to be a less hateful word. But that's me and I tend to keep my opinion to myself. I step on enough toes and give SJWs enough nails to stick me to a cross, as is.

Maybe they'll rewrite their songs with brand new additions.

Oh how rare it is for anyone to acknowledge their inner hypocrite. I can respect someone who does, even if I abhor their viewpoint.

I don't even know who my favorite authors are, other than a name on the jacket means I more than likely will enjoy their style of writing. As such, my book collection is close to 1:1 gender neutral. It helps that I pursue a line of fantasy books that seems to publish men and women equally.

Could we also address how society forces the male to be the pursuer and how the female must be the pursued? It's harmful to both genders.

I haven't seen the video. Is he saying nigga or nigger?

I, in no way shape of form, approve of the following. That being said, how hasn't anyone strapped ... excitable and unstable things ... to these quadracopters?

Well this is a U.S. based blog. I certainly wouldn't tell a European blog to use Fahrenheit, let alone criticize them for the use of Celsius.

So where do you hail from, eh?

Homeopathy is an effective treatment for an all too common ailment.

Do you believe in vaccinations?

As a member of the top predator species, I say that, uh, life will find a way.

I'm flattered, but I'm not Jesus. =)

You're eleven, aren't you?

I know, right? Android was so 2009...

I never wanted a 3D TV. I do want VR. I'm a trend setter in my social circle. Get me hooked and I got a lot of people I can pull into VR.

Making the product is acceptable, consuming the product is failing at life. Okeedokee.

I agree with the idea behind your message. I can even understand how you could conceive the descriptor "girl" as a form of casual misogyny. But no one gets to decide on how anyone else chooses to view the world. You can no more stop me from calling you girl than you can stop the planet from rotating around the sun.