MGLS - FuckItAll℞ Part 1

Dolphins kill without eating. You seem to be misled in your ideas of nature...

Democrats say that police should be held to the highest standard of the law. Yet they'll ignore when one of the highest ranking governmental officials does not hold themselves to the highest standard of the law.

Who cares? It's an insect, a biomechanical machine. Its job is to consume waste and in the process be food, itself, for a larger organism.

Man is just mimicking nature. Where it be fungal spores, viruses, or parasites, the ecosystem is rife with mind control.

A lot of misguided empathy and a touch of misanthropy, on the behalf of a cockroach, in these comments.

It does look silly, but I have a disabled family member who would benefit from that. Well, if you can leave the cup on the table, that is.

Or, how about not learning to cook because fuck it, I don't want to or have to?

This is an argument neither side can win, simply because it is based on opinion. Neither Magic or the Force exist and cannot be directly compared. You can have debates about it, but only if both sides are willing to budge.

The Force is as much magic as my other examples. It's a fictional, invisible ability, only accessed by a rare few, and mimics magic in other fictional universes. You can call it whatever you want, but that's what it boils down to.

What is this, Rule #35? If it exists, there is an irrational fear of it?

I'm sorry, NVidia. I buy your cards and I prefer you to AMD, but uh... you got a long way before you'll convince me that Android gaming is for anything more than casual games played on smartphones.

Tl; needs paragraphs...

Someone should Voltron out a smartphone. Not because it's necessary, but because it would be cool. =)

There is no cloud backup in the world that can replace 32GB+ worth of data faster than switching a SIM card.

How... does one remove the battery if the phone mysteriously gets into a situation that requires a battery pull to reset it?

And yet no prosecution for any high level governmental entity doing this sort of thing... /sigh

I was thinking this. ;)

I usually vote for a hopeless independent. That way, I did my civic duty and can always say "I didn't vote for that person" honestly. Let's face it, no one ever proudly says "I voted for X" after their term in office is up.

I usually vote for a hopeless independent. That way, I did my civic duty and can always say "I didn't vote for that person" honestly. Let's face it, no one ever proudly says "I voted for X" after their term in office is up.

Hillary is a Republican, regardless of what letter appears next to her name. It's Republican or Republican Lite for office and that's it.