MGLS - FuckItAll℞ Part 1

Maybe they'd get some advertisement from Giz if they'd foot the bill?

You fell for a troll... :>

You mean to tell me it isn't greed on the unions and employees part when they want more, as well?

The first thing the pro-union say in their comments is "how dare these employees fight for their right to better pay" all sarcastically. But they never, ever, ever, stop for a moment and think "I'm getting mine even if I have to screw thousands of others in the process."

I find the whole debate fascinating.

You know which banks didn't get targeted in this attack? Greece's.

Sounds a bit like Gizmodo commentators.

For counterbalance, there are no 'innocent' ethnicities or races. Every 'tribe' has committed atrocities versus itself and others.

Free speech is never free and Twitter has no obligations to provide an uncensored service.

Boleyn, if she were alive today, would be Moost Happi about these turn of events.

Except now Supes can depower in an out of the way location with his nuke blast and be human for 24 hours... and possibly impregnate Lois, easily.

No, minorities are the biggest threat to the health of other minorities. And this app won't solve that for you.

Lounging? Ehehe, sure, okay.

Lounging? Ehehe, sure, okay.

He's peeing into your tea. Just think about that.

He's peeing into your tea. Just think about that.

This. When someone said the igenuiTEA was easy to clean obviously brews once and empties the thing ASAP. If you let the leaves sit for a length of time that plastic takes on a brown film that makes people question your cleaning regimen.

This. When someone said the igenuiTEA was easy to clean obviously brews once and empties the thing ASAP. If you let

I look at it this way. Archer never fails if he doesn't want to fail. He's essentially, for all intent and purpose, a god at what he does. However, he has such huge failings and those failings keeps him earth bound. Or at the very least a gifted genius with a severe case of ADHD and hedonism is his 'focus point.'

Look at it this way, he reported it and Facebook fixed it in 2 hours and cut him a check.

Because such communications is an easy way to find and harass victims.

Fuck Cheesus right in the pussy.

Why in all of the creation do people who know what the punishment will be continue to do the things that cause the punishment?!!??!!?