MGLS - FuckItAll℞ Part 1

Don't break the damn rules and laws and you wouldn't have a problem. Fuck you, you're part of the problem.

You're not in prison to socialize with the outside world. You shouldn't be allowed to use Facebook or any other social media website.

Mobile OS Gaming... tsk tsk tsk. There's your problem.

But why would I want an iPhone?

I think men have an expert opinion on 'living with women' than women do. Just, you know, by the sheer number of heterosexual relationships versus homosexual relationships.

It appears it is easier to tear men down than to elevate women to an equal stature. And that is my problem with the 'mainstream' feminist movement. But, as I'm not a woman and no one consults me on my opinion, it doesn't matter what I think.

Yes, meme, yes.

4k at low or medium graphic settings. And really, if you're going to PC game, why do it at that quality level, just for 4k? Pfft.

Enigma's MCMXC A.D., yes. Some of the future stuff, no...

LYTD, Bloody Kisses, Wolfmoon, yep. Of course, Slow Deep and Hard, if you want to go that route. Prelude to Agony, if he/she is into that sort of thing...

Oh yeah, I understand. I'm a huge fan of fair and balanced but I recognize it isn't very fun.

I look at it this way, for every increase in PC performance it eventually filters down to consoles. And why should a video game be ugly if it doesn't have to be? :)

And I can buy more games than I can ever play for the price of a few console games, once everything is put together.

I'm a graphics whore. ^_^

There have been shitty ports, before. That's where the third-party community steps up and fixes that shit - usually.

List of Gamergate achievements:

It's all a shit sandwich. Video games are a billion (B) dollar industry, these days. But the public is fickle and a studio can have a one hit wonder and still fold within a year. It doesn't help that people seem to think it is a "dream job" which means it's way too easy to find a bunch of disposable grunts to replace

Sometimes it takes more time and energy to avoid the thing we don't want to do than if we just did it. /meh

PLEASE, as a guy I'm telling you, CARE LESS. Most guys don't give a shit about X and yet culturally women are trained to care about X. So they end up doing X and get all pissed about patriarchy and unfairness.

Fuck, I'm starting to think I'm less of a man because I clean everything appropriately. Talk about getting a complex, here.