MGLS - FuckItAll℞ Part 1

This. It's suck-ass sexist to assume a seat has to always be in a position to favor one person, whether it be up to appease him or down to appease her.

You can't re-dump things onto the internet after they've already been dumped, Mario. At this point it's merely aggregation.

How does the "Twitter won't let me tweet!" messages get tweeted if the person can't tweet? >_>

I'm upset that my 'private' communications with a public official is being publically aired.

Too bad there is no vaccine for stupidity.

Parker will always be my Spider-Man, but I wouldn't let that get in the way of Morales, if that's what people want to see.

I loved my ingenuiTEA. I got tired of cleaning it out, though. I like to brew multiple cups from the same batch of tea and it didn't take long before I had to dig out the strainer and disassemble the entire thing, down to the rubber gasket, to get it really clean.

I loved my ingenuiTEA. I got tired of cleaning it out, though. I like to brew multiple cups from the same batch of

Facebook should, in essence, give everyone a handle to use. No, it isn't your real, pet, or nickname. It's user16945001 and you're going to use it because you're addicted to the shitty website.

How come there is no panel for investigation when the senate and congress have suspicious involvement from lobbyists?

Why? Because he took something that was already publically accessible and put it into one place?

Jamie, how about a link to Lifehacker with the many articles to password vaults so that these knuckle-dragging, password1234 using, omgwarblebarble fucking lazy ass peasants can start using unique complex passwords on the internet?

/mind blown

If you haven't changed your password from when these first leaked months/years ago, you deserve what you have coming to you, Francis.

I am so disappointed over the commentators reaction to this article. I sincerely want to figuratively take the collective consciousness out back, stuff it in a sack, and drown it out of sadness.

You're against knowledge, aren't you. Fire, books, all those things must keep you awake at night. You probably don't believe in vaccinations. The ignorance oozes out of your pores. Might want to see a dermatologist about that.

It seems you didn't read the updated version of the article, I take it, that points out this was already information in a public domain?

It's this knee-jerk reaction that causes us to have issues in the first place. As many people said, this was all publically available knowledge prior to Burnett gathering them into this list.

You don't know about phone number spoofing, huh?

I prefer pissroom. There's a high chance that's exactly what the room is for. Washing is... optional...for a lot of people, I'm told.

I could care less means that yes, you could care less!! /eye twitch