MGLS - FuckItAll℞ Part 1

You know, hate speech isn't free; it is policed. So not all speech is free, as you're championing in this context.

He forgot, you should always check to see if Waldo is with your wife, first.

Why do you hope a sequel is never made? You don't have to watch it or pay attention to it.

Eight years too late for anyone to give a rat's ass about.

Tax evaders as heroes, eh?

Yes, because those taxes also pave roads which can be used to save lives.

The worst kind of research is non-research.

It's entirely possible that this is not remotely how you meant this post, but it totally comes off sounding like "I see racism in every corner of the world, even where it doesn't exist."

I dare say most of our breeding has been a result of alcohol and without it we wouldn't have as many billion people as we do. Liquid courage and aphrodisiac.

I've taken up drinking and ordering backup supplies. I lied about the drinking part... but I'll be damned if I'm caught without a PSU or a case fan in the middle of the night. Hell, I'm pretty much reduced to building cloned machines, just in case.

Let's run with your analogy. It's time for me to Godwin up in this bitch.

I apologize to the Downs community for my hasty association between them and GGs.

I'm not using any sorcery or conjuring any cheap tricks, here.

How does calling yourself a GG accomplish any of that?

It's really simple. Gamergate has a reputation. Being a part of said group, or defending it as you now are, stains you with that group's reputation.

No, I paint religious people with the same brush. Your analogy fails, hard. People choose to belong to a group. They aren't born into them.

Yes, yes we can. Why? Because ethics in video game journalism isn't a thing. It isn't, seriously. You're doing it wrong if that's a big enough concern to warrant death threats, trying to get ads pulled from websites, and ACT LIKE GIANT FUCKING DOUCHEBAGS VIA THE INTERWEBS.

How does this sound versus the PS3 gold wireless headset? Because those things sound awesome! The mic sucks, but meh.

Then don't associate with GG. You can easily care about video games without falling into that cesspool. How hard is that?

Because there are two groups, Gamergaters and everyone else on the planet. We, who will be referred to as EEOTP, are not choosing to be a part of a group. We are the default. You choose to be a GG. It isn't hereditary or genetic - though possibly a small caveat because it does take a healthy amount of anti-social