MGLS - FuckItAll℞ Part 1

I, too, think cock is the male equivalent of cunt.

You aren't the only one.

The problem I see with all of this, including the comments here, is that we take Zombies to have a biological origin.

I'm not denying that in the least.

You'd be surprised at what researchers manage to publish without thought. It's like commenting, but with a bigger oops at the end at times.

Doesn't it matter that there are more people now than the 70's?

"low-information establishment Democrats"

Perhaps take a lesson from Lifehacker and how they do a hive mind? Ask for some models and have people star the ones they like and ignore the duplicates. Then take the top five cars and put it to a poll and be done with it?

Kickstarter: "Nothing is promised, do you agree to these terms?"

As screen size increases porn becomes more convenient and logical on mobile devices. Starring at porn on a 3.5 inch phone is, well, fucking ridic(k)ulous. Sorry, I had to!

You mean the Netherlands, right?

North Korea won't take credit for the attacks because with all its posturing, it really doesn't want the US to come over there and smack it's pecker into the dirt. Their whole society revolves around demonizing the US and acting tough but keeping things at a distance so the whole charade doesn't unravel.

You mean the Netherlands, right?

Dear E-Commerce professional ; This letter was specially

This illustrates where we need to drop the nukes. If we do it right, it could look exactly like the map.

You don't own an airline either, so your opinion is just a meaningless. And in fact, in light of your current assholery, I'd say it has even less of value.

If I own a company and I give you instructions and train you on how to do something and you fuck it up in front of me and then come up with bullshit excuses?

And yet, Google, this will be another app(s) that get sideloaded, possibly full of bad stuff, and you get another fucking black eye about how insecure your platform is. /thumbs up


Sony: "So, how were we hacked?!"