MGLS - FuckItAll℞ Part 1

Quite a few comments of "how is this Uber's fault? Why should they be shut down? Pfft, cabbies rape people, too!"

Lizard Squad: "So, all we have to do is comb through the Sony Motion Pictures hack and try to find a password that works with the Playstation Network? SCORE, I'M HAXX0R 133t!

It reminds me of a thong...

Murphy's Law.

You know who has a high rate of fatality from influenza? People older than teenagers. Don't forget, senior citizens are at a higher risk than the average adult. But even knowing that won't make you feel any better if you get the flu, give it to your nana, and she dies from it.

I'd... rock the Vader hat. /ashamed

I KNOW! You can't believe how happy that makes me! I'M SO EASILY AMUSED!

I can get 20GB in about 10-15 minutes...

Agreed, QTE's as a breed need to die off. If a few good ones get euthanized, so be it.

You know what, fuck the United States of Corporations.

Ahahahahaa! Now I can walk into the mall and impersonate Stallone! No one will ever think I'm an imposter!

That "song" is so terrible.

Oh noes, Bluetooth assholes!

I'm so confused, right now!

Gawker Media doesn't keep track of IPs, so without some stupidity on our end, the RIAA couldn't get the information. :) As much as you'd like them to.

You know what's easier? Pirating.

You, yourself, are name calling. You make my head e'splode.

Musicians have been "starving artists" who only got paid for live performances for centuries.

So, people aren't using Google Now. So they take everything in Now, repackage it, and call it News and Weather?

Well, maybe he never had what you thought he had and you're the one different and not him?