MGLS - FuckItAll℞ Part 1

Some of us have over half a million songs in their library and still would rather listen to a streaming service such as Spotify or Pandora, simply to discover new things.

We have had serious conversations about it. And we will continue to have serious conversations about it. A single parody doesn't disrupt that. Unless you're thinking we should only talk seriously about it?

I'm embarrassed by your comment, somehow implying Eminem needs to change his multimillion dollar empire to suit your definition of 'grown up'. ^_^

"Hi, I'm Tom Wheeler. I have to decide on how much Net Neutrality I can get away with while still appeasing my corporate overlords who bought me, put me where I am today, and promise me a job and a pension when I retire from the FCC. As you can see, from my standpoint, it's clearly difficult for me to side with the

I'm wondering if these articles are being funded by Pharma companies trying to justify letting regulations lax a little. They get me right in the feels, they do. But that doesn't stop my ear from hearing a tad of propaganda.

Are you saying people steal more Androids than iPhones? /eye twitch

Few things invoke an ire in me like touching the fucking internet. You think social security or healthcare is dangerous? Ha! Senator Cruz, if you wish to run for and subsequently lose the next presidential election, touch the internet third rail.

That's probably the best way to handle life, not just birthing issues.

Ctrl+F, don't find any reference to dolphin birthing, ponders making joke...

I managed to pick up the COD edition (1 TB HDD) of the Xbox 1 thanks to this with a $150+ discount, so thanks for the heads up!

I managed to pick up the COD edition (1 TB HDD) of the Xbox 1 thanks to this with a $150+ discount, so thanks for

Is there a reasonable expectation of privacy on college grounds or is it considered "public" spaces? If the latter, these students have little recourse short of dropping out and taking their money with them.

Are you still being paid to blog about this?

This is Gizmodo. If you want to engaged in political name calling, I politely ask you to take it to Gawker where the politically mongering belongs.

Not necessarily, if you set up your Google account through an Android device you can skip signing up for Google+ and you can opt out of Google+ and still keep your Gmail account if you do currently have + and wish to be rid of it.

You can use Hangouts without a Google+ account for SMS messaging, I know for fact. I'm doing that as we speak.

This is the most hyphy COD yet. There is no penalty what so ever from running and jumping around like a jackass on a meth and crack bender. It is the most runniest and gunniest COD to come down the pipeline. No claymore, betties, or any sort of trap to punish the 12 year old suffering from severe ADD who still bitches

GOD, who wants to touch someone else's hair, let alone a stranger's?! Blah, fuck that.

Dear Taylor Swift,

I pledge allegiance, to the contracts, of the United Corporations of America. And to consumerism for which it stands, one nation under business, indivisible, with slavery and capitalism for all.

"Proponents of quantum woo are affected by the interaction of neural-energy and their natural bozon field, which results in the creation of one moron and the decay of two neurons. The moron has a half-life of 42 years."