MGLS - FuckItAll℞ Part 1

I dunno, you could probably make a chart of pointless charts and in the process create the defacto most pointless chart ever.

Data is important, regardless of what it is about. Without data there'd be no science!

Other people said it and but it's important to repeat:

The same way you use flint to create fire, captain caveman.

Stop using P@ssw0rd12345 and use 2factor Auth0 logins. You'll find you have less problems that way.

Clouds are there to supplement backup techniques, not replace them. But humans are lazy and are always looking for shortcuts.

I'm open to eating bugs as I'm very omnivorous, but I agree it needs to be subtle, especially at first.

At least your spam tries to be helpful.

Hate to partially rain on your parade but I've seen ME in a corporate environment next to 2000 machines.

Game: Dark Souls 2

Oh I'm so sorry, whatever you tried to post failed miserably because I can't see it. But I'm sure as soon I get home and rush to check your reply, I'll immediately need aloe to take the sting out of that sick burn!

In other words a group of people who are traditionally picked up by society form their own group and once it became cool and popular to be part of said society suddenly the natives are releasing decades of hatred and venom?

So, you know "exactly it should be." That's impressive! Did you go to school for that or were you born with these magical gifts of mental prowess? Because, you know, I really could use someone in my life to just follow me around and tell me exactly how something should be, every time. I do so hate making decisions

It's okay to sound like an elitist. Without us, no one would ever try to rise above the fray. Take a look at the comments from posters who say "pfft, I don't care how a game looks as long as it feels well done story wise." We'd never have anything past MUDs graphically speaking if that were true. It's called higher

PS4 people, you're one step closer to knowing what a PC player feels like. High-five, minion!

There is one problem with this entire situation and that's the under(or over)currents of hatred.

Kind of how the federal government treats computer related crimes, huh. How you can go to jail for simply getting around a company's poor URLs than if you committed deliberate murder. Because you are the example, over and over and over again.

All I learned from this book was that I'm the woman in my relationship.

I believe it will happen and I'd love to see it. At the same time, I want it to happen in such a chill way as in "yeah, he's black, so what?" Because hopefully culture matures about that sort of thing pretty damn quick.

The perfect size phone differs for each person. There is no "one size to rule them all" as Apple has clearly demonstrated by deviating from the Jobsian 3.5" form factor.