MGLS - FuckItAll℞ Part 1

I have no problem with the Doctor being black and support this idea.

Well, I guess it'll only be a few days before Gawker authors get tired of seeing my comments hit their inboxes. :/

People panic, especially in numbers. Imagine if this guy made this joke to just one person with no one else around, they may laugh nervously but probably not say anything. Especially after finding out it is a joke.

I have a family member who is convinced that this Ebola is airborne. I mean almost full-on prepping for it. So I can definitely see idiots on a plane freaking out over a sneeze and causing a rukus.

For my area the only thing they got right was the Dinner portion. But then again, I'm a transplant who keeps to themselves.

I heard something once about a war and Argentina not winning it. But I can't quite think of it, right now. /shrug

This is too hilarious.

As mentioned elsewhere, he tried to have people murdered.

My all time favorite is Wolf Like Me.

Yes, it currently doesn't work for Borderlands and it's making me itch trying to find one. I shouldn't have waited this long, I know, but I'm trying to break the nasty pre-order cycle we're currently in. And I don't want to pay actual full retail price because that's for consoles! /stressed

I'm looking for a Borderlands Prequel discount and I've found one over at

Ace Rock definitely has a vocabulary, indeed.

Your headline should be Even If You Don't Use Social Networks NOW, They Still Know Stuff About You.

Oh how ironically in my house hold it is the opposite. She wants to watch sports while I'm bored to death staring over the back of the couch.

That would be a great Snickers commercial that ties into the Avengers franchise. They show Galactus coming to eat planets and afterwards the Surfer hands him a snickers and says "You are such a Galactus when you're hungry." And poof, they're best friends at the mall or something.

Once again, the internet from which the term troll in this context spawned from forgets the original meaning and colors all forms of intellectual discourse as "trolling."

You have the right to live all you want. You don't have the right to make me pay for your open heart surgery, diabetes medication, colonoscopies, cat scans, or anything else insurance related. Your whole insurance system takes from the healthy, pays the absolute least it has to for the poor, and makes a profit off of

Now that is gold.

If a rape simulator helps keep one creep from victimizing someone, then yes, it's okay.

If you're going to make a VR game, you could a) make it like something you can already go out and experience or b) do something you couldn't (or shouldn't) do before.