What is remarkable about money buying freedom? That's just the status quo these days.
What is remarkable about money buying freedom? That's just the status quo these days.
People ask you questions & you answer them publicly. Clicking the link ought to show you an example:
I think it will be an entire "Hollywood cycle" before there is a DC movie I want to see. The doubling down on Goyer & Snyder is not a hard signal to parse. These aren't going to be movies I want to see; these are going to be movies aimed at what they imagine comic book fans are— insulting caricatures of dudebros…
"Well, sure, your honor, they were death threats, but can death threats made over ye new-fanglede telegraph really count?"
Well I am 35 & I hate it too! #anecdata
The real outrage machine: privileged people playing let's pretend.
Mostly I think people might be annoyed because you've turned an article about a little girl being bullied by authority into a soap box for your pet cause. Pun, sadly, intended.
Please please please charge the clerks with crimes*. After all the "oh but what about our religious freedoms, if government employees have to follow the law & not discriminate, than Real Christian Martyrs who refuse to issue marriage certificates on the basis of bigotry will go to jail as soldiers fighting against…
Answer: there is money in hating women.
Just as long as you have your Owner Male nearby at all times, you'll by fine! Unless you aren't. Whoopsie! Pray harder!
Given the stuff with Duck Dynasty & Chick-Fil-A? I'd say there's gold in them thar hills.
Sounds like a good way to get an upsell!
Uh, having grown up amidst homegrown American lunatics of the Bircher persuasion, I can say this isn't a strictly Russian phenomenon.
Well this is pretty sickening, in the worst way, because it is 100% what I would expect. Thanks though; next time someone says "well, but are the MRA guys REALLY defending Rodger?" I can say "well, some of them are. Some, however, aren't defending him, they are glorifying him. So fair point, it is worse than you…
I disagree with you; throw around "citation needed" a lot! Just don't be a jerk about it. & when someone says citations needed to you? Give them citations, & don't be a jerk about it. "The CIA actually did do something really awful" is a statement that deserves to be questioned. Now, a step in the middle here…
I've been seeing similar spam elsewhere.
Swindler & slander certainly fit the bill.
Someone is upset Putin is getting all the press for oppression lately...
I'm not sure 160 of your peers being suspended arbitrarily is "flimsy."
I like all the detail work so much! & frankly, I like that Lively wears dramatic clothing. She's got such an unlikely figure, I think it is cool that she takes risks with her outfits.