
Fucking herb

Finally, a video that belongs on Deadspin.

Thank you. This headline is some bullshit. These women “rejecting” - i.e. protecting themselves from - this gutter slime did not “lead” him to anything. I’m sick of the media framing these stories this way, and I really expect more from this site. If any of these women hadn’t rejected him, they would have been the

Thank you. These news stories are the exact reason why us men need to speak out about toxic masculinity and fragile masculinity every damn day.

Agreed. I hate when news outlets say shit like this. “Rejection” didn’t cause anything. It is his inability to handle rejection in a fucking mature and adult manner. It is completely on him but when it is worded as above it seems to soften his responsibility for his actions. Ugh. Fuck this dude and his awfulness. Kid

no, sexism, male entitlement, and self-importance made him do it.

In fairness, the OT didn’t have a coherent vision. It had one film that they then decided to do a sequel too and then another sequel too.

Last Jedi is the third best Star Wars Movie after Empire and Rogue One and anyone who disagrees can go straight to hell.  Do not pass go.  Do not collect 200 dollars.  

I’m reminded very much of Michael Vick, who did a ton of stuff to promote awareness of what a serious problem animal abuse is and giving the message directly to children of why it’s such a bad thing. I’m not saying any of that got me to forgive him, because nothing can, but I also can’t think of anything more that

I feel like this is a good sentiment but you give terrible examples.

I think some stuff got taken out in editing. I had a whole Polito anecdote in there.

Your tax dollars at work/not working.

Nazis used to go hand in hand with zombies as the least likely enemies to cause controversy over killing.

I remember there used to be so many WW2 games because it was considered completely morally safe to kill Nazis; they were the ultimate evil and ultimate bad guys.


The unfortunate truth is that hate groups thrive on this sort of mentality.

Good on Bungie. Don’t give that kind of people any inch of representation on this industry.

It is good to remember that these people don’t want free speech. They want freedom from criticism for themselves.

Absolutely not. Unreasonable positions include things like advocating genocide and white purity and all sorts of alt-right goals. Our grandparents flew across the world to blow away people for expressing and instituting fascist views, and rightfully so. Discourse is the tool that fascism uses to legitimize itself,