
God it’s soooooo gooooood.

This is wonderful.

I strongly oppose a Batman who kills, under any circumstance. That being said, administering an alchemical potion to extend a monster’s undeath is not quite the same thing.

I think of it like this: raising human beings is hard work. It takes years & thousands of dollars. I like human beings; they are who I talk to & who makes my entertainment & builds all the stuff I use.

I always thought that was the good middle ground: keep them doable, but get rid of the invincible frames.

But why can’t I play it on my PS3.

Superman is without a doubt better than Batman.

My biggest complaint is just to say that the reactionaries writing Batman are getting Batman wrong just as much as the reactionaries writing Superman.

The Reddit post was just a ripoff of an Imgur post.

I'd put forcefields & unobtanium & alternative laws of physics in "super science means we can ignore physics" column.

So, I don't know sports or sports shows; was this friendly trolling, or a dick move in the professional sphere? Because while I think Creationists are silly, I wouldn't throw my co-worker under a bus. Unless our gimmick involved that sort of does it?

I planned on my female DragonAge: Origins being straight, romancing the other Gray Warden, but Alister just DID NOT LIKE ME. Maybe I was a mage, was that it? I just never gave him the right gifts? Meanwhile, Leliana & I just...hit it off...what was I to do?

It's not just me, right? When people who don't like the mayor attack his wife's physical always sounds...preeeeetttttty racist.

Yeah but you don't have to plug in a mule at the end of the day, so I call it a wash?

Isn't it weird that the same group of people who want to talk about how the Evil Government's Agenda 23 is Obama using Ebola to declare Martial Law to steal your guns & arrest you under Sharia law are also the same group of people who unreservedly believe & defend the authorities when they use military firepower

"Is this an excuse to be lawless?" No, it is a group of professionals engaging in political protest; what is it about them having their hands up that makes you call them "lawless"?

The primary functionality of the Chromecast is not that it comes with Hulu built in. I have a Smart TV that does it, without even needing to mess around with turning on my game console or my old Roku box. It is that I can throw whatever is on my desktop— a video, a video chat, whatever—to my television with ease. &

The primary functionality of the Chromecast is not that it comes with Hulu built in. I have a Smart TV that does

It really is just plain worth it.

It really is just plain worth it.

Seriously, I would pay as much money as you are saving to not have to go to Black Friday sales.

Welcome to every day in Dark Souls.

Men Who Stare at Goats Simulator cracked me up.