
Man I always like it when people are like "but diversity of opinion!" when someone states their own opinions.

I sometimes think that the best job for me would be for Vin Diesel to just toss me a hundred grand a year to run the best dang Dungeons & Dragons game ever for him. Or you know, Colbert, or Dench or whomever, I'm not picky.

This is one of those issues that— as a straight cis man— I generally try to stay away from. BUT since we're talking about I'm not cool with it. It isn't my battle but I try to be a decent ally. I use the same basic rule I have for any ethical conflict like this: are you punching up, or punching down?

"Culture, schmulture, let's talk about how my imaginary version of evopsych totally is just me shouting my biases into a void & then hearing them echo back & acting as if that is science! Hey, funnily enough, most evobio stuff is just that! & all the stuff that isn't is all hard to read with facts & logic,

I like that all SNL had to do to become relevant & subversive was have black people on it. "Oh crap, black people making jokes about race, we forgot this was a thing!" Keep it coming, Miz Jones et al.

Yeah, the "well, sheesh, what's all the fuss!" attitude wouldn't sit well with me...except for his ACTIONS of speaking out against it. You know?

The shitty response makes this one real, real easy.

Despicable charlatan.

Well, right, but education & occupation provides ways for women to be independent, viz, not under the control of father & husband.

Savory food is good. This looks great. Listen, sometimes Japanese things DO seem really weird to Americans, sure, but the idea of savory ice cream is not earth shattering nor is it that hard to get my mind around. I already like, say, basil or olive oil flavored.

The moment I caught myself trying to peer around my computer monitor to try to look around a corner in the game, I knew Doom had me in its rubbery pink claws.

Are we seriously doing hand wringing about the youths? Ugh.

"PLEASE BUT I'M WHITE!" — well if this isn't a nice summary of race relations in American I don't know what is.

What an unbelievable creep.

There is something almost refreshing about some conservative talking head is like "well, you know the aristocracy? A class of inherited wealth & power? Well, that is what we're shooting for." Oh, well...nice to see you being honest, you terrible empty-head?

I mean, to be fair, I always think it is weird to call famous people by their first names. Writing that out makes me feel like a time traveller from the 19th century. Like a kid in a Narnia book. "By their Christian names! Why I never!"

Or making a joke about over-intellectualizing it, even.

I mean, at least she's aware that beauty standards are super duper racist? She's just, you know, fine with that.

No, she's not a master at lying. She's super obviously lying.

What! Weird that they would lie, almost like this is about power & control instead of their proudly held principals. I mean, the fact that those principals are intolerant & bigoted is a problem, I guess, but you'd think they'd be used to that.