
Ah yes, nothing says "this isn't true" like trying to block any investigation!

Male gaze aside, I am a huge fan of this look. (Male gaze included is like, duh.)


Advance America is a pretty amazing name for a group so well rooted in dragging America into the Dark Ages.

"Besides, I stand by the assumption that I didn't start having sex with my step-daughter till after she was over 18!"

Ugh, how messed up is the world that this is plausible.

"THING WILL BE FINE ONCE THE GAMES BEGIN!" insisted the government of Russia & the Olympic committee. "LA LA LA LA I AM NOT LISTENING TO YOU, THINGS WILL BE FINE LA LA LA!"

Props for the Silmarillion era Galadriel reference!

A) wow, good photographers are good.

Yeah, he's "reckless!" It is funny because if he wasn't rich & white, we wouldn't be laughing, he'd be in jail! Ho ho ho! Drunk driving, oh that SCAMP.

I'm of the opinion that Mayer is 100% tabloid savvy. I don't think he breaks...well, ANYONE'S heart, I think he's a pleasant guy who is like "sure I'll hang around with Taylor Swift for a few weeks & then our managers can see how to play out that narrative, I kind of like playing the bad guy!"

Huelskamp sounds like one of those befuddled uncles at a Thanksgiving dinner who wants to argue about politics but can only talk about Fox News talking points without having any reasons, arguments or thesises behind them. Except you know, he's in Congress, so I'm a little...bothered.

I like this season! Rehabilitating Schmidt & figuring out what to do with Coach (if anything) is needed, that is true, but I like it.

With his wife, while she was alive. YEP. You can't win with these fanatics.

Am I just cynical? This all seems as calculated to de-Disney Bieber's image in the same way last year's Miley silliness was designed to de-Disneyfy her.

"I came here with only $300 to my name! Make sure you vote for me so I keep poor people from coming to California! Somehow I can reconcile these two ideas, bragging about how I immigrated here broke to start a new like, & desperately trying to prevent people from doing the same."

Worth every penny?

I assume this is a funny spoof to anyone who watched Fox News or commercials for Fox News, but I have no idea what The Five is. I mean, except obviously what I just was told.

Maybe concern trolls should mind their own business?

How shocked am I that the author of that little screed doesn't know the definition of "decimate"?