They fight battles, conquer lands, and stand up for the oppressed.
They fight battles, conquer lands, and stand up for the oppressed.
"We're not slut shaming her but we're not not slut shaming her; we're not condemning the contest but we're not not condemning it..."
Yeah, my counter-reaction to my first thought was "so...maybe are these dudes putting a principal of affirmative action hiring in place?"
Oh, well I guess I learned something about Kathie Lee today.
MUCH better than being mean to children about candy.
Aw, I'm sad that Netflix thing didn't work out; it was a perfect solution, but I bet it's most ardent fans were in markets Netflix has the hardest time penetrating, older people? I don't know, I watched like two years of it in high school. I can't remember if Kendall & Bianca were on the seasons I watched or if I…
Looks like a bill to ban it has passed the Assembly & is in a Senate committee.
Stupid non-symbolic thinkers!
So like "oh just a little injustice, we'll keep it on the books but you know, we won't USE it" in the end? Ugh.
What ever happened with condoms in NYC? It used to be— like, earlier this year— that a woman (not a guy, obviously! OBVIOUSLY) with condoms in her purse was obviously— OBVIOUSLY— hooking. There was a hubub, but did anything actually change?
The Blaze? So has Beck just fully become like Stoner Libertarian King now that he can't be Religious Libertarian King on television any more?
"Okay, FINE, you want me to CITE my sources, like a GROWN UP, like someone with a basic level of knowledge about journalism or science or debate? You want me to pretend like there is RIGOR behind how I come up with these cockamamie things I say? OH FINE. Have it YOUR way, with your high & mighty 'literally the most…
Not since I moved to NYC; here I'm just tall, not a giant.
This is stupid but somebody just trade with her or something. Yes, it is silly, but the solution to it isn't like, onerous or anything, just give her another dang number & give the other number to someone who isn't superstitious.
Shout out to the first emergency room for saying no, though.
"I mean mean, sure, what I say is wrong, unfactual, not supported by evidence, in error, incorrect, fallacious but the difference is I take it as an insult when you point that out!"
Why yes, Senator. That is the difference.
Sounds like yet another great reason to legalize gay marriage everywhere.
From the site on the new laws: