
See, mostly Bunheads just made me miss Gilmore Girls.

Dear Miz Badu,

Wait, isn't the ENTIRE conservative plan for sex ed just "LA LA LA LA LA LA I'M NOT LISTENING!" Oh wait, no, there is also "fire & brimstone."

There is no problem so bad that white dudes can't find a lady or a black person to blame; in this case, both! The not-so-rare two-for-one!

Dude, the Bible is legit weird, it has all kinds of reasons for men to sleep with new women. Your brother is dead, your handmaid looks hot, I dunno. It makes sense to me; really it is the "Biblical monogamy" people who don't have a leg to stand on, that books is full of harems & such.

Dudes who casually use "beta" & "neg" in a conversation are exactly the sort of people you can say "let me interrupt you for a second: never ever talk to me again" to.

That show is garbage pail.

de Blasio! I am pretty excited about it, actually.

Man that article made me happy.

"Murses, also called bags." Period. Heaven forbid a man have to carry stuff in something without it being a statement of failing to be sufficiently performative of masculinity.

I own a few propaganda books for kids on how dragons were totally real, because of 6000 years old, & also how the hollow chambers in duckbilled dinosaurs were combustion chambers for chemicals like the bombardier beetle & PS how the bombardier beetle disproves evolution because how could that evolve & PPS the reason

I think the same thing, but about white people instead of women.

Uh-oh! I think Babs might have caught autism. That is how it works, right? It is contagious? Better ask Jenny, she's an expert, right?

The paparazzi are like, in that glorious sweet spot for me, where you can go "free speech rules...but eff this stalking stalkers."

When that happens, I'll be ready to drop her, but it seems a little foolish to condemn her for something she...hasn't actually done, because you think some day she might? I'm Miley neutral, I don't care about her one way or another, but geez.

I suggest we redefine what "conservative" & "right" mean. Seems only fair?

Right— like, I am a white straight cis-dude, I try not to intrude too much on people's spaces, so I was glad...until, yeah, sobering reality hit.

So she's going to try to get into a Siouxie sort of re-invention? Makes sense. Not working for me here but keep trying!

I remember when I realized The Good Man Project kept giving a voice to MRAs because...well, because that is what is WAS. It wasn't a flaw, it was a feature, it was outrage trolling, it was driven by page views & nope. I deleted it from my rss feeds. I stuck around for too long though, so I get it.

Miserable racist misogynist homophobe says...oh, racist misogynistic statement! Im not saying Jez shouldn't keep reporting it— obviously, people still need to be reminded, since this guy still has an audience & advertisers— but I'm just exhausted. I mean, especially on account of how racism, misogyny & homophobia