
Have you ever seen anything Justin beiber has acted in? He's a fucking terrible actor. Zack Snyder would never go for it.

This is the kind of frustration I've been having with the Simpsons since I was like... 10 years old.

I think in the long run what will matter is which console is easier for developers to develop for. The easier it is the develop for, the less bugs there are to sort out. The less bugs there are to sort out, the less money has to be spent fixing them.

You clearly can't please everyone but I think that it's admirable that Sony is trying to push diversity in their advertisements. Very cool commercial and I think it represents the product very well.

Although why is it grey? I think it'd be better if it was black like the PS4 and the Vita so that there's a bit of

I think it looks nice. Not particularly menacing but his is a poster glamour shot, I imagine the big G will be much more menacing on screen.

Apple never does this shit? Really? Really? You are obviously blind as a bat. ipod nanos have been constantly reiterated over the years, same as mac books, and mac book pros, and ipads, and iphones. As soon as you get a new one of ANY of their products they come out with a newer slightly more different version. Notice

What about Shininf Force and Shining Force 2? Those games were awesome!

What else are you gonna call an app for casual sex? It tells you exactly what it's all about right in the title. I probably would have thought up the same name without Zynga ever coming to mind.

Okay I do understand why there's such a hate on after reading more, but still. It should be about the games, not about a bunch of grown men whining and slinging slurs at each other like temperamental children on a playground.

I think the both of these men could stand to grow up.

I honestly don't understand why there's such a hate on for Fish. He made a game and had issues with Microsoft with in regards to releasing patches for it. Why is everyone on his ass?

Also I think Beer should be absolutely ashamed of himself. What right does he have to come out and bash this man in such a vile and

If Sony included 2 controllers with the PS3 it would be over for Microsoft. Complete and total domination.

Sweet! I love local co-op!

Yup. We have an all time winner. Congratulations you two.

i don't give a rats ass if the miss their deadlines. what matters to me is that it's a good game. and it's perfectly reasonable. more money means more scope, means longer production time. getting upset about that is rediculous.I actually think this is a good or even great thing.

I want to go to there.

I loved this movie so much and was so immersed in the world and characters that when it was over I felt like it was too short. Then I read online that the original cut for over 3 hours long and I am praying to Guillermo god of monsters, PLEASE bring this original cut to Blur Ray.

I think Xbox one should be booed. They got what they deserved. I would have booed too. Everything about the Xbox one was a big fuck you to gamers.

Personally I'm still waiting on a bloody Street Fighter Vs. Mortal Combat game. It's such a no brainer. It's the only fighting Vs. game I ever wanted since ever, how has this STILL not happened?

That's fantastic that you're given the option of a digital upgrade or a full retail purchase. I hope we see more like this. I am a little disappointed that it's only 4-5 new characters. For a retail expantion I would expect at least 7.

That was... uncomfortable to watch. This whole My Little Pony craze is incredibly unsettling.