This looks terrible. Not diggin this at all.
This looks terrible. Not diggin this at all.
That was only in the trailer. The actual film isn't going to have glados voice in it. And saying that you won't see a movie because you didn't like a voice in the trailer because that voice is tied to a completely separate property... that's just ridiculous.
Fuck no it's not good enough! They should have honoured it. You don't give people a price tag on a pre-order and then go: "Sorry guys we decided that we're going to charge you double that amount instead. here's a pack of gum"
Fuck that and fuck them.
He was SO awesome! He was a BALLS man! A man! Entirely composed of BALLS!
He could turn into drills and use parachutes and shoot DOILYS! In the second one I believe he turns into a balls cheetah. BALLS CHEETAH! And he has jet boots so he's already set for the double jump.
Even though he was sega... This…
She's cute too.
That hair looks entirely ridiculous.
You gotta respect him for recognizing and accepting the blame for this. And It's easy to see where it may have gone wrong. They ask for X, got XXXX, and changed their vision, scope, and scale to hopefully match XXXX, unfortunately they miscalculated.
It's hard to say exactly how far a certain amount of money can take…
It does seem pretty racist. I'm usually one to give the benefit of the doubt but having the subtitles entirely in katakana really pushes this one over the edge.
It certainly is quite a bit bigger.
I wish I'd be objectified too. It'd be nice on occasion.
Reminds me of the English teacher from the Great Teacher Onhizuka Manga.
She actually does kind of look a bit out of place in that image. I can understand why they removed it purely from a compositional standpoint.
I haven't played F-Zero since the N64. I LOVED that game! I always wanted to buy F-Zero GX on Gamecube, but I could never find it in stores and when I did it was ridiculously overpriced.
Arguing with a feminist is a futile battle. You can talk to a feminist that is aware of the true motivations behind feminism, but sadly a lot of them think feminism means: Women are better than men and should have more rights than men and should have more privileges than men.
And I see Males being objectified by women…
This statement makes me sad because I can easily see some women agreeing with it wholeheartedly without seeing the issue with this very statement. Sigh... I truly don't understand people.
Why on earth would people see this as creepy?
When did it become a god damn crime to find someone attractive? Seriously. This is a fucked up mindset. He glanced at her for LITERALLY 2 seconds. TWO. SECONDS.
Doesn't feel accusatory? Yeah right. I felt like I was on trial reading this article just for being male.
It's not every male at E3 though. Just a select scum baggey assortment. Calling the whole show a cesspool of sexism and whatnot is a little harsh. I'm sure the stand up gentlemen far outweigh the douchebags in numbers. Is it not sexist to label the whole over the actions of the few?
The only way I'll embrace digital downloads is if there is a permanent record of my purchase attached to my playstation account so that if something happens to my system and I have to buy a new one I won't get absolutely fucked and have to buy everything all over again.
The other condition…
Loved it! I really didn't see the red wedding coming. It was delightful.