
Personally I think there needs to be an overall crack down on video game etiquette. Both in game AND out of game. We've become much to entitled. You know what I got when my mom caught me saying something horrible when I was 13? Punishment. Negative reinforcement for negative behaviour. I'm continuously baffled by the

I still haven't played Dead Space 3. Not cause I don't want to, I just got to a point where I couldn't afford to buy any games. It happens. Once I'm at a point where I can buy games again though you can bet your ass Dead Space 3 will be on that list.

Can you imagine how easily this would change if they suddenly announced a Pokemon MMO game for Wii U? haha! Silly nintendo and refusing to give the fans what they actually want.

Still not buying it. Lack of quality third party support killed the wii experience for me and I don't see this being any different.

That is the tallest volus I have ever seen.

I wouldn't say that. Captain America 2 was arguably co-starred by black widow, she had a bigger role in there than she had ever had before.

Not only that but MArvel has already greenlit not one but TWO new television series starring female leads, Jessica Jones and Agent Carter, so while they haven't released a film

This film is just gross.

This looks insanely cool. Too bad I suck at Multiplayer games.

You know what Tails design needs?


Seriously. He has a belt and NO pants.

Put some fucking pants on him.

sounds to me like this kid never got the talk. I think this is more of a case of irresponsible parents failing to inform their child.

Jesus Christ. How about the fucking truth!? If he figured out they weren't real all on his own why not just man up to it and say: "You're right, Pokemon are not real, they're a fictional race of creatures created for the entertainment of children." Why would that be so bad? Do you honestly have SO little faith in your

Games take time and Kickstarter is still relatively new. This is ridiculous. Just have some bloody patience.

I think Nintendo should go third party and release their games on other consoles. The Wii U is WAY too expensive for what you get and the VERY limited third party support, and for people that don't have a lot of disposable income Nintendo games are almost always out of reach because they NEVER DROP THE PRICE OF THEM!

Where's the King of the Cosmos?

Bunch of spoiled brats by the look of it.

It's not just girls that get crazy OKC messages. I've had a couple doozies myself.

Youtube has been slowly dying over the last two years. Something is going to come along soon that will make youtube obsolete.

He's guilty of showing her something that she has easy access to by way of the internet and has most likely seen before many times already? It's a sex video. Sex, nudity, and all kinds of perversion are everywhere. By the time most people hit sixteen they're already looking at that kind of thing on a regular basis.

This is insane. Just wait for the price to drop or for supplies to increase. It's not like the PS4 is going anywhere any time soon.