
Your complaint is that the graphics are what? too good? Monster hunter is one of the best game series of all time. The combat is amazing and varied. The enemies are impressive, and varied, and imposing, and life-like. The core mechanic is brilliant and the multiplayer is easily the most fun and challenging

XBOX one is making a habit out of shooting itself in the foot.

I'm definitely keeping an eye out for this one.

I'm pretty much sure that the xbox one is going to be a much bigger version of the Diablo 3 always online debacle. Shit is going to hit the fan with this one.

Well I know for a fact that I'm going to be waiting for at LEAST a year to see how the PS4 and the Xbox measure up to each other. It's pretty much a guarantee that I'll only be able to afford one (and even that's iffy) so I'll be making damn sure it's the right one.

No used games, means poor people like me won't be able to afford more than 1-2 games per year tops.

Needing the internet to work all the time means people like me who have shit internet connections are always going to get denied access when the internet inevitably and regularly craps out or isn't getting a good enough

I'm pretty sure they would have a D-pad and at least 2 buttons.

And thus the nintendo home console died.

I think it's time for them to become third party developers. This is just getting sad.

Also, the original poster is great. It's sexy, but tasteful.

Bro-sie rules! He's like one of the village people.

I don't think it's so much a claim that they used false advertising, so much as it is a COLD HARD FACT!

I bought A:CM on day one with a preorder thinking that I was going to get a similar experience that was shown in the trailers, and screenshots, and demo videos which were awesome! What I got was one of the single

Is it just me or does Elysium look EXACTLY like the Prisidium in the Citadel in Mass Effect? I mean, identical!

I actually really like the PS Vita. I think it's a brilliant machine. The problem for me is that they're not making a Monster Hunter Game for it. That's the only reason I'd buy one. It's the only reason I had a PSP.

I definitely think this is going to be the last console from nintendo though.

Damn! I wanted to support this one. Too bad it's over already.

The final nail in the coffin. Nintendo should just leave the console business. They should just stick to software and handhelds. They're not going to get anywhere constantly releasing LAST-gen hardware.

As Garth Algar once said: "LIVE IN THE NOW!"

Truer words...

An apology would be really nice.

I want to know how to do this. I'd be making every kind of ME gun I possibly could.

They look nothing alike. What a load of hooey.

Considering how far Lucas has fallen, I have much MUCH more faith that Disney will handle the franchise better.

So when do we get to finally hear Urdnot Wrex sing? Cause I'm absolutely dying to hear that.