Is it just me or is his voice... absolutely awful and nothing even close to what I or anyone else has ever imagined Deadpools voice to sound like.
Is it just me or is his voice... absolutely awful and nothing even close to what I or anyone else has ever imagined Deadpools voice to sound like.
I really wish they would go third party. My Wii's been collecting dust like all the rest and I couldn't give LESS of a crap about the Wii U with the gorgeous PS4 coming out this year and the XBOX sequel coming soon after. Graphics matter to me. I learned my lesson with the Wii. Don't buy a console with last generation…
I thought the graphical leap was pretty significant myself. And if they don't make a bloody monster hunter game for PS4 that makes use of those gorgeous graphics, then I am seriously going to cry.
With the Playstation four we can bring David Caradine back to life.
Looks very Dark Soulsy.
Sounds about right to me.
Seriously? It honestly doesn't look much better at tall than the PSP itteration. We want a NEW monster hunter. Not a half assed update of something we've had for years already.
No.... No more Zaeed? :(
Getting to do Star Trek and then Star WARS as well? Holy crap Hollywood must love this guy something fierce. Although having seen how he handled Star Trek so well It's hard not to think that he wouldn't come at Star Wars with an equal intensity and respect. I'd definitely be behind this choice of director.
What the hell does a gameboy have to do with hipsters? I don't want this thing as a fashion accessory, I want it to play freaking games on.
I think they should go software only. Their hardware has been making me as a gamer feel less and less excited. When they announced the Wii U I thought... Meh, too little too late, when I finally tried the Wii U I thought, good god this screen in my hand is stupidly distracting, and thoroughly reinforced my "meh"…
The animation is terrible. I wouldn't want to see an adventure time episode with terrible animation.
It should have been for PS Vita TO BEGIN WITH! Not having it on the Vita is dooming that wonderful handheld to its DOOM! It needs it and I need PSV MH4! NEEEEED!
I don't think anyone takes Jack Thompson seriously anymore at this point. He's a joke in every sense. This isn't even news anymore.
They need to start making better games for the portables. There's not enough high quality titles on them.
Was that BrentalFloss?
I vote ditch the Iron and bring in the robot.
Gonna have to call shenanigans on this one.
Those were all truly awful. How does anyone screw up Deadpool of all characters so thoroughly?
That pretty much sums it up.