
Digging that they use the voice of GlaDoS in this. Possible Portal tie in? :p

Actually when you think about the visual style of Metal gear, J.J. Abrams might actually be a really good fit for it.

That was truly awful. Is that all Dragonball Z is? Asian dudes screaming random jibberish and throwing light?

Mine too. I've been waiting for the foreign space agencies to get serious about Mars so thst it will push the West to start taking it seriously. If this doesn't... nothing will.

The ending WAS bad..

Good. I wish this would happen more often when people are being assholes online. It can completely ruin the experience.

I like these cause he actually looks like a man.

EXCELLENT casting! Just excellent. I think this guy is going to do great! Loved Chronicle.

Oh my god this NEEDS to be made into a game! That made me all excited to go buy and play Skull and shark the beat em up game even though I knew it wasn't a game before watching the video.

Again, and I've been saying this from day one. Vita needs a Monster Hunter game. It could easily be one of the greatest games of all time if they made it with PS3 and PSV crossplay. And Monster Hunter was a license for them to print money in Japan.... so why the hell aren't they pursuing it!?

OH god no.... NO! I loathe Wes Anderson! His movies are SO terrible! Never let this man within a hundred thousand yards of this franchise! EVER!

Hopefully he understands why the original trilogy was so loved and tries to bring some of that magic back with this new movie.

It's doing terrible here because there aren't enough good games for it and we don't like gimmicks.

Oh... written by Mac Walter. I was excited about this up until that part. I could never forgive him for his shitty work on Mass Effect 3.

Good god those effects were bad! Why Lance? Why?

I'm excited for this, but at the same time I was reall;y hoping that if they made another Chucky Movie they would have good ol Chuck looking up Andy Barclay again maybe this time out of good ol fashioned revenge. That would have been really interesting to see especially if Andy is all grown up with a family.

Hopefully the kid gets better. As someone who obtained several stitches in my youth, I'm pretty confident that he'll be laughing about it and telling stories about it the moment the stitches are out, possibly even before that. Also, I gotta say: Based on the picture there... that kid is going o have one HELL of a

This is fucking lame.

It's so UGLY!

There is most definitely a market for Monster Hunter games in the west. The problem is that when a Monster Hunter game DOES come out we have to wait a rediculously long time for it to show in the west before we get to play it. This leads it's fans to pirating the game out of PURE FRUSTRATION!