Nerdy? They look awesome! Like Garrus Vakarian's visor. The only question I have is what about people that wear glasses? Are they not allowed to enjoy this product?
Nerdy? They look awesome! Like Garrus Vakarian's visor. The only question I have is what about people that wear glasses? Are they not allowed to enjoy this product?
It's simple really. MAss Effect 3
This... is exactly how I reacted. crazy. Except the body pillow.
Before playing Mass Effect 3 I would have said Bank of A, but after ME3 it's DEFINITELY EA. I like the quote: "Maybe if EA wins we'll offer them a choice of three different colored cushions to place it on,"
Funny thing is, I forgot all about the nudity going into season two. I started it up and then there's the nudity and I'm like: "Whoa!" and then: "Oh yeah..."
The whole total restart thing was a fucking terrible idea. Why bother creating a vast world full of interesting characters, races and cultural histories if you're only going to destroy everything
That's dancing? Looks like walking with the occasional swinging back and forth of arms.
40+ hours isn't long enough? REally? Do you have a life outside of video games? I think the real problem with single player games is replayability. With MAss effect you've got different classes and you can be good or bad and make affecting decisions. With Dark souls you've got new game + and newgame ++, with scaling…
They should start a kickstarter campaign to find out more about these things. I'm dying to know more. haha!
The song is shit. The content of the song is generic crap that people have heard a million times before in every other rap song ever made.
3DS? 3DS!?!?!?!?!? What the FUCK!? Are they TRYING TO LOSE MONEY!? How about putting it on a platform that people actually own!?
RE: Title of Article
Nice Zaeed reference.
Good lord those are expensive. Clearly made for rich people.
If this was a canadian flag I wouldn't even give it a second thought (I'm from Canada) I would have just assumed that it means that Wolverine's next movie is taking place in Canada.
Aggression does not equal violence. A grand majority of the studies I've read about online have actually proven video games to reduce violence. There's always going to be aggression and violence in the world. That's a fact. Video games are a healthy outlet FOR violence. Violence without the actual violence.
Okay. I'm usually pretty forgiving. But get your fucking story straight. This is not a beatboxing cat. This is a beatboxing person holding a cat.
I think John Carter was amazing. You know what though? I thought it was going to suck going into it. I did. Why? Cause the marketing campaign was shit! None of the trailers were even CLOSE to capturing the magic that the actual film produces. None of the trailers even gave you a remopte sense of how awesome the movie…
I think the ending to all this Mass effect Rage drama is going to top any ending Bioware could EVER come up with. This is some Jack Thompson kind of level of crazy.
"I work all freaking day, it can be a bit depressing to come home and see that dudebros have scored yet another victory in their endless quest toward turning everything into a machismo-dripping, multiplayer-focused shooter."