
Laziest version of Shepard? Where are you getting your info? Every version of shepard takes just as much skill and effort to play through with any sense of competency.

That's exactly how I approach every class based game. Like soy, diablo. I always play the warrior first. Diablo 2 Barbarian, diablo 3 I will also choose barbarian first, but I will play all classes eventually. It's just my order of operations.

I totally agree. Plus If you're a good shot and know what ammo to use for what enemies you can get by using anything pretty much.

My favourite is BroShep Vanguard. Best combo ever. I honestly don't understand people's loive for fem shep. I don't think her voice is anything particularly engaging myself, but I think broshep has some seriously awesome voice acting chops. It's why I choose him most of the time. Plus his face is more iconic. (I

I almost never used cover in ME1 either. I rarely ever used cover in ME2 either. Once you figure out the right order to do things, you can upgrade yourself to the point of almost never needing to.

I don't even know what the ending is yet. I haven't played the game. I've heard a lot of people don't like it... but it can't be THAT bad!

I agree with her for the most part, but I think that some things are overlooked. First off not everyone sells their games to Gamestop as soon as they've played through them once. I personally rarely sell games, because I think any game that I've enjoyed has replay value. Either with me or if I have kids. Secondly, I

I like to think it's not Tali at all based on that fact alone. Waiting for an actual design.

But she doesn't look at all alien! That's the biggest problem with this hack job! What's the point of all the mystery if it's just another fucking blue girl? They already got asari looking a little too human. The Quarians should have a much more distinct look.

man... you just... you just don't get it man. Not at all.

I'm not what you would call a Zelda fan. But the one thing zelda fans say constantly that pisses me off is that : "Ocarina of time is the best game of all time."

It doesn't fucking work.

I understand peoples anger on this issue. Normally I'm the first to come to a game companies defense on trivial matters but this one is anything but trivial. First off. Tali is a BELOVED character of this franchise that people have been dying to see unmasked, so make her design so cheap and so BORINGLY human looking

I really liked this show. I think it had a lot of potential. and some genuinely likable characters

Even with the Ewoks I would be inclined to agree with this assessment. While now that I'm older I am a little more torn between Jedi and Empire back when I was a kid growing up with these movies I absolutely loved Jedi the best. Hands down.

I've seen gayer scenes in UFC fights.... like, all of them. Every single last bout of UFC is gayer than this. This is super tame. It made me laugh though. So I liked it. Very entertaining.

I use the defaults every time.

I'd actually wondered that myself. That would have been amazing.

Ass kicking undermines a live action Mass Effect Trailer!?

This is genius. He makes SO many good points. I would fucking LOVE! To see this movie. Seriously. If they did re-made this movie to be exactly like this guy says... I would be ecstatic. This actually sound really good. Really enjoyable.