The judge unsealed it.
The judge unsealed it.
We knew this since it came out in the trial when he listed his meds. Didn’t you watch? Of course you didn’t.
Unsealing the litigation is a standard practice. Whoever it hurts or helps.
...and that audio recordings submitted by Depp were impartial—often beginning and ending “in the middle of a sentence,” and modified in June 2016, nearly a year after they were created in September 2015.
Hilarious. Jezebel still going on about Depp. let it go guys. She’s a whack job, she lied. End of story-why keep beating a dead horse? Jesus.
Maybe he’s a different person in actuality than his public persona or the roles he’s played? He’s not actually Dr. John Dorian, and Scrubs went off the air 12 years ago. His overall public persona to me seems rather affable and inoffensive. They’ve been together a long time now, and they seem happy, so why does anyone…
You’re joking right?? Like this has to be satire? I’m gonna assume so. Otherwise you’d bejust some ignorant clown.
AAA games for mobile
that “15fps” during gameplay sure is impressive. /s
yeah you’d be hard pressed to get me to install anything made by chinese game devs. their market is saturated with IP theft and shady business practices and data farming
Sir? No.
LMFAO, wut?
I think you have it the other way around. This isn’t the people affected suing Bungie. This is Bungie suing the person who impersonated them and made those takedowns.
I mean, have sympathy for the small content creators who were the main ones getting struck by this asshole in his bid to stir up a boogeyman for his own benefit.
I have zero sympathy for the giant multimillion dollar corporation, and I only hope that they can use this as leverage to make Youtube reform their absurdly abusable copyright strike system.
He sued her after the article defaming him came out. He’s stayed quiet on this before and after the trial. there’s one person who’s trying to drag this sordid affair out.
Here is a great vid in response to this clownshow of an article.
Why has the whole of the left wing and liberal media utterly shat the bed over this story? The trial (not that many in the press seem to care for the facts of the case) showed her version of events were reasonably discredited and frequently contradicted by herself or one of the very few character witnesses that she…