
The compounding math works the same whether you have 5-$10,000 accounts or 1-$50,000 account.

Or we can just come to terms with the fact that whole idea of litter mobility devices is just a worthless pipe dream that won’t work and move on with life.

My plan to weather the next recession is that all-you-can-eat pasta card from Olive Garden.

Feels like high-end hotels charging for wifi when every crappy value hotel includes it free.

Suicide. Is there a shortcut this guy won’t take?

Not really a motorcycle guy now, but when I was 9 years old, I was really into motorcycles:

Different strokes for different folks, brother. 

It’s not complicated math. In 2019 you can make well over 6 figures as a family and still have minimal un-allocated funds for big ticket purchases. If you’re covering all financial responsibilities like mortgage, 401K, Roth IRA, 529, day care, insurances, house upkeep, then the bucket gets empty very quickly. God help

Chinese owned company making fast, small-ish EV crossovers.

What would it take to get Suzuki to bring this stateside as an ORV to compete against the Roxor?

Neutral: I think we’re at the truck saturation point.  Last weekend when I went to the mall there were so many trucks I had to park in front of a Tesla charger.

million miles in a shitbox. Thats like the 10th layer of Dante’s inferno right there.

Sounds like Southern Illinois taxpayers who support Chicago. 

He added that Trump’s remarks were “idiotic.”

Going a little fast there, buddy. Where’s the fire? *Points back at police officer’s car.

Everyone else’s are too bright.  Mine are fine.

I wish I could give you a bunch of stars because your original comment is utterly and completely gender neutral. Hopefully one day she will learn that pulling out the sexist card in such a manner is very harmful.

A car that isn’t in a crash costs nothing to repair.

Yes but a 2 year old Silverado doesn’t rust like a brand new Ram.