
The interior looks like a generic Italian store. I feel like I could probably buy a smartphone there. You would think that if you wanted to sell something as unique as a Bronco, the interior design might have something to do with the actual vehicle. Also, I have to wonder what happens if/when the Bronco falls out of

A few things to help here. Hydrogen cars are still EVs. They use a fuel cell that passes oxygen and hydrogen through a catalyst that produces electrical charge and the byproduct combines them into water. The electrical charge is used to drive electric motors. The idea is very promising, but we have a difficult road

indeed, also triangles

EV tax credit?? SWEET! I could almost afford... to look at one... on the internet... on Jalopnik now. Cool. 

These were all available in 86. I’d be fine. 

I only added the backup cameras because of the way cars are designed now. It seems like they no longer care if you can see out of the back anymore. Only my 2011 Ram ever had a backup camera, but I never used it.

The objection is to the idea that safety overcompensation leads to driving incompetence. I could also understand a fear of airbags thanks to our friends at Takata. My own objection is specifically to the EU spec Mazda 3. The lane keep kept trying to force me into the opposing lane of traffic, or into other cars on my

I’m not sure British cars are a good example for this discussion... I applaud your bravery however. I hope you have your masters in hydraulics. 

I would have to go for the older car with lower mileage. If I made the effort to find said older car with lower miles, chances are I would driven to take care of it. As for the higher mileage newer car, I would view this more as an appliance that I am not very attached to. Newer cars lack the charm of their

There was a 1946 Jeep running around Walworth, NY when I was a kid. It was a rusty pile, but refused to die. My dad nicknamed it the Buffalo Soldier thanks to it’s impressive level of oxidation.

Hermes Birkinbag sounds like someone being investigated by mossad for potential war crimes in the 40s

If someone was to take this out with them, and it suddenly disappeared, could we call it the MH370 edition?

I find it hilarious that the Captiva even got looked at for this video. The Captiva has to be ranked amongst the worst cars ever made. Even here in Italy, they are universally hated for their unforgivably poor build quality, reliability, and sheer cost of maintenance. If you make a car so bad that even the Italians

This is disappointing, but not surprising given the state of the middle eastern nations.

this makes me miss my Grand Marquis. Beautiful ride teamed with utterly simplistic and cheap maintenance. RIP Panther cars. 

I agree, the Volkswagen W8 is a marvel of engineering, but so was the the Tiger Tank, and it got beat by Shermans.

still probably safer than drafting up behind tractor trailers in the winter to cover your windshield in dirty snow, then wiping it clean and passing them.

I don’t think they are quite there yet, however, you can put your children down as collateral. 

I find the irony in this beautiful.

HOLY RECTANGLES BATMAN!! Seriously, I’m surprised the steering wheel isn’t squared off with all things considered...