
As a mechanic, I can tell you that the wiper arms mounting components and gearing are stout enough to handle standing up millions of times before they might wear down. If they were as weak as you say, wiper motor gears would shatter regularly. If they were as brittle as you claim, they would also snap in the freezing

This must be quite an alien (the legal kind) experience for Texans. A car coated in Ice in the great lakes is par for the course in February. I hate to rub salt in the wounds here, but perhaps that is actually the best path forward. Enough rock salt would dissolve that ice. Anyway, I wish them the best of luck.

I know. Again, I’m not trying to start any fights or anything. The truth of the matter is that there is no comparison for the US that is not a flawed comparison on this subject. I guess it is more wishful thinking on my part to believe that maybe we could study the rest of the world and make improvements for ourselves

I did mention Texas as an exception. I consider Texas to be a purple state at this point. My point isn’t really to start a red vs blue state battle or anything, just to point out that none of them really have it all figured out. I don’t think either is better. If anything, red and blue states should compare notes as

I’ve been stationed in Korea twice. There isn’t really a backwoods Korea. As for the railway networks in Russia vs the US, they still have a better overall train system. Russia is a good benchmark to beat because they occupy a large landmass as well. Babysteps to improvement. Dwelling in mediocrity because others

nice POOR-sche. I won’t buy one of these, but I am glad it doesn’t like a pissed off, mangled ape after it fell into a wood chipper. Volvo’s minimalist styling seems to be rubbing off on another car maker. This is a net positive for humanity.

BREAKING NEWS: Stellantis has announced the all new 2023 Chrysler 300. Here is the leaked press photo.

I will not get dragged into the Tesla service vs. Chevy service debate. Tesla is basically an automotive infant, so expectations are low. Chevy would rather kill it’s customers than spend an extra $0.03 to make decent ignition switches, so expectations are in the dumpster for them also.

I don’t really have to. Everyone and their mother has decided to move to Texas lately. I think we may have accidentally created our own Americopolis, though I’m not sure they will be gunning for infrastructure upgrades around there.

Outside of Texas, the red states make it work by taking in more federal funding than they contribute. 7 Blue states effectively subsidize all of the 50 states in their tax revenues paid to the Federal government.

My dream would be a bike lane on every block, a bus line to every neighborhood, a train line between every city. Something comprehensive and nationwide. I can’t think of anything that would get more cars off the road.

While I like the condition, I voted ND. You could import one of these from Europe for less. I found 18 of them in similar condition in Germany for about 5000 Euro. Import costs won’t exceed that. 

I am in the minority on this one, but I’d totally be on board with this. It reminds me of when I was in Kuwait for 6 months, and had a lot of time to kill and a massive junkyard to pull parts from. I took the engine (4B) and transmission (C6) and rear end from a Harlan Tug, and the ladder frame from a Ford Ranger and

My most dangerous driving experience has to be December 2014, when I flew out to California to pick up my then girlfriend (future ex-wife) and help her drive back to Pennsylvania. Come to find out when I landed, that her brake pads were paper thin, her clutch was almost gone, 3 of 4 of her tires were almost bald, and

Tiny penises. The REAL pandemic.

My thoughts are ND simply because I am not the intended customer. These appeal to a very specific, and dare I say, tiny demographic. That demographic generally prefers to build these themselves. I honestly have no clue what is a fair price for a brass era cholera-mobile that has been heavily modified.

So my takeaway from both of these is that I made the correct choice when I bought a 1987 Grand Wagoneer. Neither of these is compelling.

Perhaps “car” is it’s gender identity.

While it may be outdated in terms of design, it’s still an upgrade over the old system: a fire.

Lazy perhaps, but it’s still logical and simple.