
I’m still team PFC. Peugeot-Fiat-Chrysler, since it also implies Jeep in a way because PFC is an Army rank. Imagine the logos they could get away with. Hell, the Citroen badge already looks like a set of stripes on a Soldier’s sleeve. A missed opportunity in my mind.

to be fair, Audi is now part of Volkswagen Auto Group, or VAG for short. I’m expecting Stellantis and VAG to merge since it sounds like the perfect cream to treat VAG irritation.

Don’t forget Imperial. It was briefly a standalone brand. 

There is a guy who did a hellcat build for one of these on YouTube. Looked pretty cool to me.

I’d let them read me my rights on this one. On the plus side, it has the 3.5L v6, which is a decent engine. I have had to work on the 2.7L versions, which are shit engines. This will also have the Chrysler 4 Speed auto, which is dirt cheap to repair. Later versions got the Mercedes 5 speed auto, which I was not fond

This I do not know. I suppose it’s appropriate that he looks somewhat alien since the VIPER render looks like Wall-e fucked a Light-all cart. 

Indeed it is.

I can concur on the fuel mileage. I had the 3.9L V6, which was good for maybe 15 combined. I had the extended cab version, so I think I had a slightly better turning radius, but I don’t remember being impressed with it. 

I don’t think anyone is saying she has to. Rather we are saying that there are smaller options IF SHE WANTS to continue the pickup truck testing journey she is on.

Take your star you magnificent bastard.

I am optimistic if not a bit cautious here. In principle, I agree with reduced emissions and improved fuel economy. However, I know that these will spell the death of beautifully ridiculous Hellcat engines and rowing our own gears AKA automotive bliss. I hope he puts a lot of money into hydrogen car development, as

Looks like he’s bringing back the Trans-fats too. 

probably looks like this:

I’m with you on the F250/350 and 2500/3500 size trucks. They are unnecessarily large. I found my 2011 Ram 1500 slightly large, but easier to live with. I think the happy medium is the 2nd Gen Dodge Dakota. Not as large as a Ram, but not as small as a Ranger. Perhaps a truck that size would provide a more persuasive

FCA offered to Hellcat it for them, but NASA thought that might not be advisable.

Pink Floyd would like a word...

Russian Astronauts be like...

The last time somebody tried to pass a bad law in Massachusetts...

I’m still mad about Chrysler killing off the 300 SRT for the US

This reminds me of the pentagonal traffic circle in Saugus that inexplicably has an extra bi directional road running through the center.