That is a thing of beauty right there.
That is a thing of beauty right there.
Indeed. When I was stationed in Germany, there were 300C wagons everywhere. Tuners started adding twin turbos to the standard 3.0L Mercedes diesel and were tearing up that autobahn. I was very jealous of them. You could technically make your own if you bought a magnum and a 300C from that era and put them together.…
I rather liked my panthers, but I’m an odd fellow. Their simplicity, longevity and comfort are selling points, but they really are dinosaurs in every conceivable way. They are really only an upgrade if the other cars on the lot are Model T’s.
As someone who has torn these cars down to the bare metal, I can tell you that the body is definitely a modified W platform. Even the shock towers, floor pans, and dashboard mounts are identical. You are correct for the source of the suspension, but there is more Mercedes under the skin than FCA cares to admit.
Having owned a few panther Fords and driven several 300's, I can confirm your findings.
Daimler and FCA’s handling of the 300 depresses me to no end. It was quite possibly the most interesting American car to come out of the “Merger of Equals” AKA the rape and pillage of Chrysler, and I dare say, the entirety of the 2000-2010 US Market. I know that it sits on an Archaic Mercedes platform, and that sedans…
Yes, I was just thinking that it was a good thing it will have 3 rows since a lot of people will be living in their cars soon.
I support this initiative, but only in the form of the split bench with the fold down arm rest. My 1991 Ford F-150 allowed for some good times for myself and my ex-wife with the bench seat when I was occupying the driver’s seat. However, since it was not a split bench, and she is 5'2", if she drove, my knees were in…
I concur. I bought a Ram Outdoorsman a few years back and ended up putting camo tape over all the interior plasti-chrome. Every piece was in a place where it blinds you.
Okay so first thing, I understand the map of Detroit as a little Easter egg, but if they really wanted to keep with tradition here, specifically for the Wagoneer, shouldn’t it be a map of say Kenosha, Wisconsin, or perhaps Toledo, Ohio? I know it is being made in Detroit, but still, I think those two would have been…
Hyundai production manager: “Okay, team meeting. Everybody here? Good. Alright, nobody is allowed to eat Kimchi on the assembly line anymore. Got it?”
What always bothered me the most about the prowler when I was a preteen lusting after 1930's hot rods was that I knew that Chrysler had the ability to make an Epic V8 and manual transmission for it, but Daimler would never let it happen. I remember my father watching the announcement of the “merger of equals” on the…
You fixed your frunk. Good, now fix your contempt for customers shown in your horrendous designs (I’m looking at you Silverado) and desperation to be taken seriously by Europeans. We like Corvettes because they are an American take on super cars. If we wanted a European super car, we would buy one.
I think the lack of lighting made it look better. This is not an attractive dashboard.
It really is like a YouTube unboxing video where the box is the most interesting part. (side note: why are people interested in watching other people open boxes?)
I find this hilarious. Also, knowing what the coffee cup light is actually for, I despise this nanny state feature. I drove a Mazda 3 in Switzerland last winter and absolutely hated it’s lane departure steering assist, it’s automatic braking, and all the other interfering features. Honestly, aren’t passengers annoying…
I was pleasantly surprised when I drove a Renegade back in 2o18. It was like an overweight Mini Cooper on the road, but with a lot more interesting character. I expected to hate it, but came away liking it quite a bit.
Am I the only one that hates the “lets make the make the infotainment screen stand on the dashboard by itself like a cheap portable Nav unit” trend?
So you want Volkswagen auto group, the actual largest car company in the world, to put as much effort into all of their products as was put into the pre-crashed looking silverado and the desperate to be taken seriously by Europeans but never will be Corvette? (I’m not disagreeing with your take on GM and it’s poor…
I think I saw the writing on the wall for this back in 2017. I was getting ready for a 1 year stint in Korea with the knowledge that the next assignment from there was Italy. I sold my Ram because it was too large for Italian roads. My ex wife insisted that we look at some small cars before I go. I focused in on JCW…