
Trolls be trollin’ and it be good.

Maybe not the perfect soapbox to step up on.

You’re not a Spears, kid, get behind the...I SAID GET BEHIND THE BOARD. NOW.

And the footage from when she leaves the bathroom looks a hell of a lot more like she’s trying to get him away from her and also having some difficulty standing. The whole “they go to the bathroom together” thing could be the result of a whole slew of other things like: A) he offered her coke or something, which,

That is exactly what he does. Because he’s evil.

Oh, I see. Well, you seem like the kind of person that would benefit from an engagement McCaw. I encourage you to do it!

Yeah. Named Ziggy. And man is he an asshat and a half. Like, for instance, he’ll only say my name when we’re alone in a room together. And then he’ll like whisper it all creepy like. And not one damn person has ever believed me.

Oh, god, my friend has one and he is so obnoxious! And she’s had him for decades and will have him for decades. Not even a strong marriage is worth that kind of dedication, you hear me? IT’LL END IN DIVORCE AND RUIN.

Giving it a try, thanks!

I’ve never seen anyone in one claiming that it’s at all easy, rather that it’s a constant negotiation and investigation of feelings and wants and needs.

Hahaha, except with my family, I’d have to probably go the opposite way and say that one of them was a locked up criminal. More real.

As much as I’d love to see these asshats prosecuted to the full extent of the law, I don’t think I could handle sitting on a jury for a case like that. Luckily (ha!) since I’m also a victim, I think I’d be dismissed right quick.

Yeah. They do.

If you click through to the article, you’ll see that they don’t look like twins really at all.

If you’re married to an asshat who wants to cheat, he’s going to cheat. It ain’t about temptation, it’s about what’s at hand. Case in point? The Governor. Arnie proved he wasn’t picky (I kinda respect him for this, in a fucked up way) and didn’t need no 22-year old nanny.

So am I. So am I.

I think I’m ready to take the beauty box plunge. I’ve read a few of these, and I really don’t know which box would be right for me. Can someone just tell me? Like, say, “MooseyDeers, you know what? XXX box is perfect for you!” Please?!?!?!

You wear lipstick? Girl, you’re fancy!

I think so, I mean, I heard her name on NPR today.