
And weirdly I remember this story, even though I still have no idea who that is. Or who you are, in fact.

She's written about the metaphors she sees in the show every season since the first one.

Used most likely to avoid redundancy since "outbreak" had been used in the headline and "string" and "endemic" don't fit the writer's voice. Plus, you know, it literally means "widespread disease". BUT GOOD FIND?!?!

My dad's a beekeeper, so I have osmosed some info on the subject. Sounds like a hornet, which isn't a bee, you might not be allergic to them? And thank god it wasn't one of these Japanese Hornets, if one of these landed on me my heart would stop.

Okay, so they're for frozen stuff, not fresh. How do you keep all of that stuff fresh for a week, though, I'm wondering.

Could you tell us more (or anyone else fill in) about how the vacuum sealer comes into the equation? Is that for veggies in the fridge?

Or you could just know since Lindy writes all of the Dirt Bag After Darks M-F...;)

Wow, that is a nice ponytail! Do you think someone could do it if they have fine, but not thin, hair? It'd probably look dumb. Everything looks dumb with this stupid flyaway hair that my mom's DNA cursed me with (why did my sister get my dad's thick hair!!!! So unfair!)

That's the winner, I'd say!

But he's running a business that employs people while the kid is not . It's perfectly valid for you to practice free-market economics, but calling it a "rip off" is really more a reflection of your lack of understanding about how business works. You're not just buying the lawncare, you're buying the sense of

Ugh. Just Ugh. But some can, and they deserve to feel empowered to make that choice, too. It's not always an all or nothing proposition. We can empower the women who can afford to make the decision while simultaneously advocating for those who don't. There are a lot, erm, better ways to make the point you're trying to

I'm not disparaging your choice, or the choice that my mother and father made (obviously, I like being alive in this body) at all.

No, but if you're going to be a good parent, you might even be a BETTER parent if you have the resources and the time (since you don't have to go to school/work/work/go to school) if you wait until you're more stable. I mean, my parents were awesome, but when I was born, our life was chaotic. They were unemployed half

My mind went to Dr. Ruth and I thought "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO". I don't have any strong opinions of Dr. Joyce, I feel like she's been controversial, but was probably alright.

Oh, Jose Canseco. What can I say other than I WISH YOU'D SHUT YOUR GD MOUTH. (okay, fine, typing fingers)

If you're talking about Skokie, I lived there, too, and had five Abrahams or Abrams in my friend group.

Not to make you regret it, but it's 84 today. And was yesterday, and is warm and sunny all week. And has been for the past week.

There was one of those recommendation posts here awhile ago that was basically "finally, a red lipstick that looks good on everybody". It's Nars Dragon Girl (dragon something, I misplaced mine the other night or else I'd do check). I'm ruddy and pale, and it looks good on me. My best friend, who is biracial, was like

The 200 dollar haircut is not really a haircut, can we agree on that? Long, straight, all one length. I've been giving my friends this same "haircut" since the 8th grade FOR FREE.

That's a helpful comment!