
But I believe he is specifically speaking to girls, not grown women? As problematic as the juvenalization of women with a pejorative "girl" (and idea that I finally got through to my boyfriend, yay for minor wins), I do actually think he's talking to the under-18 set in this piece, hence "girls".

I don't think so. Google her real quick and I think you'll probably agree.

It sort of is, but if you watch the video, he's also had the photographers handwrite at the bottom of each image what it meant to them/more detail about how they captured it/whatever they want the viewer to know about it, so that part, at least, has an element of history and preservation about it that's pretty cool.

I was going to make a genital pun to relieve the tension, but I'm not sure whether or not (I did not mistype nut there) it's appropriate. "Genital pun" has a nice ring to it, if you say it a few times.

Did it get changed? I'm not seeing it.

Your point is good, but I just want to say that James Patterson uses ghost writers. My friend finished a novel for him about a year ago.

Wait? What? He fought to keep underage Ali from living alone with Lindsay and that's a bad thing? Your syntax is really muddled, no offense.

They're in post-production. She's supposed to be doing voice overs.

I was raised Lutheran, and group up in a rural area. I didn't know any gay people (who were out), but yet I always knew there was something wrong about the idea of thinking that being gay was a sin. When I was in sixth grade on a church , our pastor came and he was sitting outside of our cabin, smoking a pipe. I

I think she didn't feel like she was hurting enough cultures, so she added that in to reference the Jewfro.

Kyle KING and Kyle REGAL, eh? I would call that heavy-handed writing if I actually ran across it in a book.

Or some deer what move the hella outta the way!

I'm sure she is. My point was, even if she's been living under a rock and had no idea, I'm not going to feel sorry for her in this situation. She needs to be accountable, and if anything, at least she now knows (if she didn't already, which really takes a lot of effort, I'd think) who her husband really is.

Yeah, I think in this day and age, we all choose our families and we all can GTFO if our chosen families are bully, racist, homophobic, misogynistic, pedophile dicktwads. I understand the feeling of being stuck in what you've chosen, but HALLELUJAH, this woman and her children can GTFO and start a new life. Good for

I just wrote a comment about having to use them once. I successfully scared away the bad guy, but hurt myself in the process. Probably my yelling loudly had more to do with the scaring him away.

I used nunchuks once, when I first moved to Chicago for college and was living in a pretty shady neighborhood that had a rapist/murderer on the loose who would follow the ladiez home from the El and, well, rape and murder them. Some guy came up to me just as I'd gotten out of the car and, for whatever nerdy reason, my

It's probably going to get worse. I'm 34 and started feeling that secret fear around 31. It's the articles about becoming more infertile as we age that do it. And the fear that my partner will change his mind and want kids and hell! All he'll have to do is find a younger woman (he's 6 years younger than me anyhow). It

I think it's because she was looking for real answers, not spin. Both candidates tried to spin, but Ryan did it a bit more and on the questions that she was trying to get real answers on. She also pressed facts at him a bit more, but that's because he was trying to misrepresent his/Romney's own agenda. Biden didn't

If it's not about money, then why pocket it?

I guess Ohio touches states that touch the South? I'm from Illinois, but spent a lot of time in Arkansas, Kentucky, and Tennessee as a kid.