
I've noticed that he's been doing TED talks.

I'm from the Midwest and we do NOT say "madder than a wet hen" in these parts. That's Southern speak! (which omg, I love Southern colloquialisms and dialect like that!)

Now playing

10 years ago, at the National Poetry Slam, this poet named Rives made it to the finals and he didn't have a piece to read (not allowed to repeat things, he'd just started slamming, had no inkling he'd make it that far) and so he got up on the stage and kinda sang "I'm not here to rock the microphooooooooooone...."

I spent a moment trying to imagine going over to your house for afternoon tea and being confronted by those signs hanging over the restroom. Do not like. But, then, sometimes that's the point.

Well, there could be rules and regulations at the college that would make it against school policy. Being on the street isn't the same as being in a building. In fact, that's why you normally see signs posted when there's, say, filming going on inside of a building, warning you that your image could be used.

I don't know, bringing up body hair in the same sentence as dark chocolate should be a crime. You chocolate-boner killer, you!

There are probably tatas sitting at a desk nearby you. Hell, seems like 51% of people I run into on the streets have got the tatas. It's weird!

Yeah. I've heard those arguments. I think, well, jeez, never mind. If you've nothing nice to say...

Every time this subject comes up, I just do not get it. I knew they weren't real, too. I don't think my parents ever told me about it (hell, if my mom were still alive, I'd probably still be getting a present or two from Santa, even though I'm 34), but I, you know, figured out pretty quickly that one man, one sled, a

They made it illegal in Chicago/Illinois. I don't live there anymore, but I know that they've been trying to repeal it/might have repealed it? It doesn't make any fucking sense.

Ah! I knew there was something simple that I was being too dense to grasp.

I'm sure it's obvious, but I do not getta this?


What is the point of this comment? Really? What is the fucking point? Glad it's only one thousand nine year-old victims, instead of one million, you ALARMIST groups!

You're the one calling people names, not her. If you want to be accurate, she's giving you what-for. Because you deserve it. High school sucks for most people, the goal is to get the fuck through it and then find out who you are in the world. You don't have the market on teenage angst and unhappiness cornered.

I think Clarence Thomas cleared up the pro-rape thing a LONG time ago :-/

No, but the comments section is. Our opinions, our views on the story, our insights.

Did anybody point out to him that Mr. Thomas "Strict Parent" Jefferson was also a slave owner and that, oh, I don't know, we might not want to follow every example he set? Would he even get the irony?

Now playing

Pretty sure it's international, since the first time I heard of this (and I'm a Midwesterner who went to Midwestern summer camps and did not play this there) was this Swedish girl group covering Robin.

Whenever I think of RR, the only episode I can remember (and I'm 34, so it's been a long time) is the goats episode!