Like Ned Flanders.
REPOSTING: I'll say this in his defense, (I'm a professional writer, both creative and I also write blog articles for major outlets) when you have to output a certain amount of articles, you're jumping around a lot writing what comes to you first. It's flipping hard, trying to make words that sound good together flow…
I'll say this in his defense, (I'm a professional writer, both creative and I also write blog articles for major outlets) when you have to output a certain amount of articles, you're jumping around a lot writing what comes to you first. It's flipping hard, trying to make words that sound good together flow from your…
While I don't think my physical size proves my value as a human, I don't mind telling you what mine is. I'm a size 2. Sometimes a 0. I work out for 12 hours a week (some months many more than that) because I'm a competitive climber. I find that number fucking ridiculous (and really only sustainable because I have a…
HOLD THE PRESSES! Did we know this about Jennifer Livingston? "she's actually the sister of Office Space star Ron Livingston" Fine family there. And to me, this guy looks like the type of guy who was always kind of wimpy and smaller than the other guys, which is actually the type of guy I'm attracted to, btw. But!…
I guess this:
Me, too!
Which makes it totally low class. Bottled wine or go home, boys. Bottled wine or go home.
Yes, I understand what per capita means. The reason I bring up the size of the city is because it makes it more valuable for the drug trade/gangs/etc. Why are you asking questions when you already know how I'll answer them? East St. Louis is a great example, actually, of a city with a huge gun problem. Interestingly…
Many, many factors. One being, Chicago traditionally segregated the poorer folks from the richer, which led to all kinds of problems. Hell, ethnically, it's still segregated: Gangs are a huge problem in Chicago, and indeed in smaller…
It be a better argument if you checked out the surrounding states (hello, Missourah!) and THEIR gun laws. There's a nice little gun corridor running straight up I-55.
I think the point is, once they become emotionally equal. Like, have the same abilities to make solid judgements in their lives and so on. Which a high school kid just doesn't have yet. I'm six years older than my SO and big freaking deal, I agree. But he ain't in high school.
The time I remember most vividly, it was Forest Gander, but there was someone new every time, few times a month. It was actually pretty cool. The lectures, not the boobs.
The only time I've been made uncomfortable was at a bi-weekly lecture series I used to attend at Yale. It was about experimental poetry, which, yeah, pretty small group crammed into a smaller space with a visiting poet talking and answering questions and such. This one woman would just take her whole shirt off and…
I doubt it, all I remember about her was that she was very normal, like suburban normal, and very softspoken and shy. I can't imagine her with spaghetti-o's, I just can't, don't make me.
In 2005, I went to a gallery opening in Seattle and one of the art pieces was a keg of beer that was made from yeast from the artist's vagina. I knew that it wasn't like she just slopped her discharge in a cup and made beer out of it, that there would have been a whole process of growing the yeast yadda yadda, but the…
ME! DIBS! I'll gay marry her. Wait? What?
It's a nice try at baiting. It's sad how you're so unsure of your own intelligence (I get it, you should be unsure) that you're spending your time like this. I've read your other comments. You never actually "get" what anybody else is saying and all you do is type out a few poorly worded comments that don't correlate…
Hmmm. Let's look up the definition of the word "troll". Ah, I see that a troll is defined as " someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into…