
Yeah, Gabby something, I think. I've seen that photo before and it said that they all went to school together.

From a purely political perspective, it is good to encourage your citizens to have children. They are good for the economy, good for keeping your military stocked, good for, well, the future prosperity of your country. Therefore, since babies can only come about (except for a few test tube ones) from being inside of a

It would be nice, though, if children were more like kittens sometimes.

Infuriating people, the trolls way to, uh, wait, not get his trolling point across?

Add "poor reading comprehension skills" to that list, too. Here, I'll spell it out for you again "poor reading comprehension skills". I know, comprehension is a big word. I advise you to refrain from commenting on a blog that's meant to engender intelligent debate until you have just a few of the basic skills (aka

It doesn't even imply that there are 50 women. It implies that the glass ceiling hasn't been completely broken and it is an addition to other articles on this website that break down the numbers more completely. Yes, grammar and spelling do matter, even on a blog. Does it matter that you can mistype? No it doesn't.

You wrote a lot without putting together a cohesive argument. You cherry picked statements from the article that do not infer what you think they infer. You have also stated that there's probably "there are 3 sides to the story, her's the company's and the truth, and they are all likely different, maybe she got mommy

It's not difficult to not get busted. You just don't carry when you're on the road and you procure when you get somewhere.

No, David Blaine to him. To Jonathan Ames.

She's wearing makeup there. But yeah, she grew a bit older. I think she looks fine.

I guess you haven't seen her for a very long time, because that's what she's looked like for some time. Like she grew up.

No, no she couldn't. The girl is infamous and always will be. Anyone of a certain age wouldn't be fooled by no dye job. She was in the public sphere for much too long.

I'm not sure why she's going to pile on Hilary, but that girl had her life destroyed right when her career was starting. Yes, yes, she did wrong. She really did. But. Can you imagine having to go through life with a name that is synonymous with, well, a blue stained dress?

And Katherine. My parents had a trifecta with Carrie Lynn, Sara Katherine, and Rebecca Ann.

Oh, yes, I forgot about Peep Show, but that I've watched, too.

This post reminds me, are there any can't miss shows in the UK right now? Yes, yes, I like Downton Abbey, even though sometimes I understand that it's just a soap opera with fancy (to me) accents. I did like the first few series of Skins. Um. There was another one I liked and I'm blanking on the name of it, it was

Well, they're married. And they're in the first episode, so don't watch it.

Oh, this is good on so many levels.

Especially given the shoddy camera work.