She's a writer for the Stranger.
She's a writer for the Stranger.
I don't think it is an option past 10 weeks. Just another sad part of this story.
Because their parents realize that while they must have raised up an asshat, only a bigger asshat would drag their flesh and blood into court over it.
With what, I wonder? I've been planning on adopting a shih tzu mix in the future, when my own dog (who is up in years) dies (which I hope will be NEVER, but, well, you know). I'd do it now if A. I weren't an apartment dweller and B. I wasn't absolutely sure that a second dog would shatter my first dog's little doggie…
Wintour is a high school dropout? I'm now struck by an urge to read a bio of her, anyone have any suggestions?
You're missing the point entirely. Athletes are more attractive, oftentimes, to a larger percentage of women. Women aren't creating their sexual entitlement nor are they "granting" it to them, as you state, by being attracted to virile, athletic men. These young men are doing that on their own and it's promulgated by…
The YouTube account says shih tzu, and I'm assuming it's their dog.
Holy crap, what kind of dog is this?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?! Must invent this kind of dog for myself (I say as I look at my own slug of a dog lulling around next to me) Edited to add that I now realize it's a very cute shih tzu, it just looks much larger due to a weird perspective in that video, I suppose
Just kidding, I have a lovely boyfriend, but he ain't got no ketchup money. So, you know, I'm using mass mailings to find someone who does.
Don't worry, I didn't actually marry a pig farmer. I'M SINGLE AND LONELY!
Let's be fair, didn't John Kerry marry into ketchup money? My momma always told me I'd do well by myself if I could get myself in line for some of that ketchup money. I disappointed her by marrying the heir to local pig farm instead.
But you're still going to vote?
And what a cause it is.
I saw it in the third or fourth result, without even having to click on the link.
Of whom are you asking this question? I mean,
Oh, let clockworkgreen go on and on about a misinterpreted title, already, won't you? You're giving feminism a bad name with all this nitpicking.
Ah, you just hit upon this:
First of all, they've debunked the myth that Nader supporters would have en flock voted for Gore. In fact, a lot of them are the very same people who now support Ron Paul. For a lot of people, the chance to have multiple parties, as opposed to simply two, outweighs the now, because if there's not a move to secure…