
Yes, that is true, but that's not really a response to what I said.

People have every right to vote for their convictions, my lord, it's a flipping democracy. If she thinks the Green Party represents her beliefs, it's her right to vote for the candidate. It sickens me that people try to bully people out of voting for the candidate that represents him/her. It's also been a mighty

I was the victim of a sexual crime that almost went to court. One piece of evidence was a secret video of me that the defendant had made. It was a humiliating video of me in the bathroom (a collage) and I was going to have to sit in the courtroom while it was aired for the jury. I wouldn't be allowed to leave, which

Probably will.

Yes, but that's you. And we are both far from shallow, although image does play a role in our careers, probably more than in other people. And it was a joke! He can wear what he damn well pleases (just not around me without getting made fun of). Although if he'd shown up to our first dates wearing them, it probably

I was just teasing because of the rivalries. Dudebro douchebros attend every college.

Uh, yep. That's it exactly. I mean, since you can't type the correct words in the correct order. And yes, exactly, that's a great way to extrapolate information! You must be a republican!

Whatever happened with that education fund y'all set up for Catelynn? I've never watched this show, but I think that's the one, no?

I was the first person to comment on the story. My lord, you're missing some IQ points.

Oh, I see. People who buy expensive watches are to be judged, but not people who buy overpriced hideous sandals? I see!

Nope, he was wearing Birkenstocks.

I don't like a pair of shoes and that's egregiously evil? I think they're unflattering and would prefer my boyfriend not wear them (or any sandals, unless we're at the beach/in the tropics)? They're hideous, to my eye. They don't fit with our lifestyle which involves a lot of galleries and fancy restaurants and

Oh, you mean in the COMMENTS? Not IN the story? You're a fucktard.

Pretty good, I'd say. I caught the person who stole my bicycle in high school by some good ol' fashioned detective work, sitting by and waiting, and then doing a Dateline style "AHA I GOT YA!" jump out of the bushes. Oh, man, was that fun.

First of all, I'm a woman. Secondly, no it isn't. Nice try!

They all look to be Instagrammed photos. I know, I'm not very mainstream.

My closest friend even dated a med. student for seven months and we still couldn't figure it out! Good luck.

I tried to find evidence of it, couldn't.

Ah, yep. I was Writer's Workshop. So where in the hell do those other folks hang out?! I've decided there's some cool secret neighborhood on the other side of the river that I never discovered.

Yeah, it wasn't my scene, but it was pretty diverse and I enjoyed it. Which program? Just asking because I was just saying that I never really understood where, say, the law/medical/business/etc. grad students hung out. I rarely met any. Yet the humanities folks seemed to have a lock on the north side of downtown.