There is also professional women's football. And there was soccer, until it got disbanded, because YOU weren't watching it!
There is also professional women's football. And there was soccer, until it got disbanded, because YOU weren't watching it!
Guys, let's not get to upset with Chad Ochocinco. It's not really as bad as it seems. You see, according to the police report, it's just more that he headbutted her without permission. "As they were talking, Johnson became upset and without (his wife's) permission, grabbed her and butted her on the forehead, causing a…
Of course she has management. You don't have endorsements without having a team to negotiate the contracts for you. My lord.
She did and held him until he could be arrested.
Yeah, they tried to skip me up to 3rd, but I put the kibosh on that pretty quickly because I'd been being bullied on the school bus by some third graders (who seemed so old!) and knew I'd be a social pariah. I have a twin, and they wanted to move her to the 2nd grade. We couldn't even have been two freaks in the same…
Oh, that's better than I had it. I did take my math classes at the nearby liberal arts college starting in 6th grade (I think I had a really good testing day or something, because I was one of two kids in the whole district doing it, and while I had aptitude at math and science, there were other kids not doing it who…
I commented elsewhere, but I'm native, too, and I learned the phrase from my dad! He told me it was rooted in the fact that the white man gave land and made trades that they then later took back. In our usage of it, it was the white man who was all about the take-backs!
I'm 1/4 Kickapoo. Growing up, I used this phrase ALL-THE-DAMN-TIME! I used it, because my dad, where my bloodline comes from, told me that it came from the same place as "White man speak with forked-tongue" (meaning they're liars) and it was because white men "gave" us so much land and so many promises that they then…
No. It's not. I think we've found the problem with your cognitive reasoning skills! At least that's something.
Oh wait what? It's how the system works. To be on the national teams, you have to beat people in YOUR home country.
To be fair, weightlifting isn't a very popular sport. I mean, I can't watch it. I'm afraid of popping veins, crushed bones, strokes!
I think it's because his social politics tend to be liberal, even though his fiscal politics aren't.
Really? Seriously?
I hadn't noticed, I assumed you were the original commenter (didn't scroll up) and you were saying that the Jez editors were all assholes, not the Baios.
Commenting just so you can talk about someone's assholery is pretty much an asshole move.
Ah, go ahead and eat your damned Chick-Fil-A, my friend. I have patience and can play the long game.
When "something you don't like" is basic human rights, than yeah, this Jez editor really is at her best.
Erin's from the Midwest/lives in the Midwest. If we fellow Midwesterners can't poke fun at Ohio (and Indiana, and Nebraska, and South Dakota, and, well, everyone else but Illinois), what will we have? A bunch of cornfields, that's what!
And it's an example of the person wearing the product. (Wearing it well, too!)