
Thanks for this. Literally made me laugh out tightly-wound, humorless old dick.

No question revenue-sport NCAA athletes get royally screwed, but I can’t muster much outrage about a coach trying to teach those athletes to think about gratitude and giving back. I’ll save that outrage for something better...

Outspoken. Occasionally crude. Disrepectful to opponents. Arrogant. (You can decide which one fits the description...) 

I’d offer a rebuttal, but Deadspin would delete it.

The good news is we got two guns off the street. Now if can get the three or four that are still out there, we’ll all sleep better. 

Hate to break it do you, but Cherry’s view do represent a common viewpoint in hockey culture up here in the frozen north. And at least 8 out of 10 Kaedens/Kaydens/Keighdons would agree.

And in this week’s nightmare episode of “Who Wore It Better...”

I’m fine with McClean’s action, unless he takes a knee. If that happens, the fucker should be shot.

Who was responsible for leaking this?

Canadian police officers are a little less trigger happy because there are fewer knuckleheads carrying guns. Gun laws. What a crazy notion...

Wasn’t locked, but she was scared off by the sign that said it would trigger an alarm.

“Gather round kids. Let Grampa tell you about the day he realized the human species had reached the end of its usefulness. It was a grey morning in late May...”

Leave Scrapple’s yellowed socks out of this...

Agree. The guy is an easy punch line or cheap shot now, but great to watch in college. If there is even a slim chance he can pull his train wreck of a career back on the rails, it will be a blast to watch him on the big field and wide-open CFL game.

If you’re shooting 78, you’re never getting married to this lady.

Don’t let my handle fool you; I have no dog in this fight. But I sure am enjoying watching this series. Spit or no spit, cheap shot or clean hit, I wouldn’t mind if they just made this a best-of-13 and skip the third round altogether.

It started with an innocent comment and ended in tragedy. Drake should know this doesn’t end well.

Terrible bait-and-switch post. You tease us with a margarita photo and don’t include it on the list. For shame...

Then there are a lot of people in that neighbourhood who share your FML sentiment right now. My apologies...