
And that will never happen if Democratic platform is essentially communist - meaning we are all equal therefore we should be getting the same amount of wealth.

the dictionary line will make more sense when you watch the clip...

OK then, it explains it for those who are capable of critical thinking and not making it simply via being a sycophant for cliched suits.

“Now chase me down this rabbithole!” says the bad-faith shitposting bootlicker.

Because getting rich is not that simple, nor is it a fact, nor is it criminal.

the particular temporarily embarassed millionaire you’re talking to would choke on his cornflakes if someone explained to him the difference between high-income & hereditary capital in terms of high net worth status...

It also perpetuates the idea that the obscenely wealthy actually have to “work.” At that level, money makes itself. All you really have to do is avoid being stupid (which is where Donald Trump failed) and you’ll amass more money. Diversify your investments, make sure no single person has control of any aspect of your

OK then, “lucky birth” in the context of this silly discussion explains itself. Health issues have little to do with this (other than maybe causing ruin due to Murka’s broken middleman system).

Yea, and one day maybe (they will not) people will realize that Jay-z/ Duck Dynasty goobers / Self made millionaire of your choice are exceptions that prove the rule.

My point is that you’re beating up on a strawman in defense of the feudal lords that will never notice or commend you, no matter how hard you fight for their honor.

You know Santa’s not real right? And the tooth fairy was just your parents?

I think the concept of “lucky birth” explains itself. Again, economic mobility, it has faltered in the trickle down era.

how much are they paying you to rush to their defense? They have money, they should definitely be cutting you a check for this hard work you value so highly

How much boot can one bootlicker lick? Have fun beating on your strawmen, bootlicker. 

Shut the fuck up, Tom.

Using Beyonce as your cudgel to defend the right of the ultra-rich to continue rapaciously hoarding as much wealth as possible is a level of lazy cynicism worthy of the Republican Party. Steyer’s running for the wrong party.

Not just for those with no skills, but for all who don’t benefit from lucky birth. It takes a lot more than hard work as you say, and also takes more than simple knowledge. Where you come from has immense significance. But thanks for telling me this isn’t the age of the industrial revolution, I had no idea.

Economic mobility has withered in this trickle down Belle Epoque.

I always find it amusing when billionaires use entertainers as examples of “big earners” when they never crack a Forbes list solely as an entertainer.

“What the bourgeoisie therefore produces, above all, are its own grave-diggers.”