Nice but WAY overpriced.
Nice but WAY overpriced.
Cars aren’t. Giant urban assault vehicles and bro-dozers are. Not to mention parking slots are also growing smaller. Yes, I measured them.
Argue and blame all you want, but America (and Europe) has already lost the world market for EVs.
Exactly. It really is that simple.
It’s already a nightmare. The toxic crap you can find in every home is bad enough as it is.
I dunno, crypto seems to benefit some people. Especially if you’re a thief.
Nice, but overpriced.
They’ve lost the plot.
Honestly, none. I have the perfect car, for me, and I’ll keep it as long as I can. (i.e until parts can no longer be found)
We don’t call them tech douche bros for nothing.
Straight up. RWNJ terrorist.
His wife was leaving him.
Wait. Both had EV trucks?
It makes me drink.
It should never be collected in the first place.
Depending on maintenance, NP.
I’m a big fan of simplicity. Works for me.
This. Crap then. Crappier now.