The ad is gone, so somebody liked it.
It’s priced a little too high for the miles. There are several known age-related repairs that are in the future that will be stupid expensive. ND.
The ad is gone, so somebody liked it.
It’s priced a little too high for the miles. There are several known age-related repairs that are in the future that will be stupid expensive. ND.
I mean, one side uses “progressive” as a pejorative.
If Ted Cruz doesn’t like it when Americans do science, he can flee to Cancun again.
I just wish Hunter S. Thompson could organize his eventual state funeral.
I notice there have been a lot more school shootings in the Gulf since the name change.
We attained Idiocracy in November 2016.
It’s so precious when Republicans combine a lot of big scary words that don’t fit together in any coherent way to scare their rubes who have no idea what any of the words mean. The United States of America is finished.
I just love the word salad approach, where they throw as many boogeyman words together. Now, “DEI” and “woke” aren’t strong enough apart, so he must combine them for EXTRA STRENGTHZ effect. Soon it will morph to “DEI Soros woke Nazi communist abortionist gay agenda slut porn” and this cannot be topped, so they will…
And any response he gives would deserve an automatic reply:
I’ve met Ted Cruz in person. He’s even less likeable in person than he seems on TV.
Funny how people used to think Silicon Valley and Big Tech were liberal.
We live in the dumbest timeline
There is a reason they dropped the Excel name and its not because Microsoft owned rights to it. These were badly engineered and built cars in their day. I shudder to think how that has all aged.
ND. They were ND fresh off the lot back-in-the-day.
It was a not great a car when new. The price while seemingly low likely represents a market high. In Canada the Pony and the Stellar were previews of the legendary brand quality, which took many more years to shed, the Excel didn’t help much. For years where I live the brand was pronounced “High and Dry”.
This car has a timing issue. It’s late for the crusher. ND.