Confederate flags that far north of the Mason-Dixon line?
Confederate flags that far north of the Mason-Dixon line?
Seriously, the proof he’s ‘not a racist’ is “here’s pictures of trump with black people!”? I think he needs to understand that having a black friend does not clear one of being a racist.
Der Fuhrer Cheeto’s problem is in his definition of “people.” To him, you are sub-human if you are female, gay, a person of color, trans, a Dem, or any number of very acceptable things. His “people” are racist, intolerant. mocking white men. Yes, his “people” agree with him. It’s just if you use the world “people”…
It’s especially hilarious how white people seem to think that being photographed with a few POC automatically means a person isn't racist.
Again with this bigly tariff lie?
Anyone who “isn’t inspired” to vote for a Democrat, any Democrat after the past 2.5 years can go fuck right off.
I said as much on Splinter. On a side note, when I see how smart, articulate, strong, and uncowed these 4 women are (the “squad”), I feel like we are finally seeing dividends of the feminist movement.
The "moral majority" has shown it's true colors as an immoral minority. Unfortunately, we have minority rule becoming more entrenched every day.
Yeah... I’m no Bernie Bro, and did vote for Clinton, but I’d ask you to consider some things with that line of reasoning. 1) PUMAs, for perspective. 2) The fact that almost all Sanders supporters did in fact support Clinton, and that the fractional divisions correlate to Sanders supporters that were traditional Ds and…
The next person who says, “both parties are the same” gets punched. Look at the craven twits rushing to his side to defend him like he’s right. The Republican party has no ethics, no spine, no willingness to take a stand because they will lose the power they so desperately crave.
I spent the weekend on the island of Martha’s Vineyard, a weekend wherein the Bigot- In-Chief revved up his re-election campaign by unleashing a racist rant upon four sitting Congresswomen of color. As I left the Cape, I approached the Bourne Bridge where I saw a group of people gathered at the foot of the bridge…
As a giant Star Trek nerd I am 100% here for this casting.
Man and younger Wesley Snipes Terminator could have been pretty awesome.
I have no problems with this. Carry on.
It’s already happening
Looking forward to it.
Get ready for people to lose their shit.