Walter Moore

Congratulations, Mr. Party-vi and Mr. jalop1991, on COTD today! I have for both of you an Audi TT which this lovely lady will bring to you as soon as she figures out how to get behind the steering wheel.

Camera in the car captured the truck driver:

Could be, I Just call it as I see it; Im a whale biologist.

This was the first thing I thought of when I saw the title pic.

Hmmm, auto brand with a clear focus and makes quality, reliable, and safe cars that also have mass appeal. Granted Subaru is a small player compared to Honda and Toyota...but perhaps VW can learn a thing or two.


The car you want, but not the car you deserve

Other goodies include a "race mode" setting, the uprated brakes from the GTI Performance model, and a fancier interior. The only downside is that Americans will only get the family-friendly five-door version, not the sexy three-door hatchback. (The car in these nice photos VW sent us? That's the one you're NOT

I know why America can't do this of course: 1) the roads are crap and making them uncrap would involve - gasp! - infrastructure investment; 2) the loss in revenues from speeding would be too great to endure (fine: open high-speed toll roads with a well-maintained surface.) I should be able to safely drive from

This is the greatest aftermarket invention of the 21st century:

Here is my 3000GT. I've owned it for 11 years now, and has made near 500AWHP for a majority of those.

Let me see... I recently got myself a 2014 Mirage. Basic model, 5-speed manual, 74 bhp, 74 lb-ft, weighs less than a ton. I should be suffering, right?

Holy crap I'm tired of people calling Obama soft on his use of the military and completely ignoring the actions he's authorized to target extremists overseas. There's plenty to debate about his administration, (and the last one), but spouting Fox News drivel is weak. Shall we start WWIII over relatively routine

Can I bring my hot tub boat?

If you find them boring, don't watch them - it's quite simple.

Renault Megane RS 265, because I want one very, very badly. In fact, I'm in the market for a car right now so if they hurry up and bring it over, I promise that I will buy one.