Walter Moore

this comment is going to be hilarious when someone stumbles on it in a few years and goes "lol not anymore"


Good lord almighty praise Jesus he is risen that is beautiful.

Now why is the Audi angry with her sitting on its face?

2 in the starter one in the cd tray? 2 Fingers, 1 button?

I was at the Camry stand just a few minutes ago and walked up to two Volkswagen of America guys looking the new car over. They were talking halfway between disgusted and confused ("Why did they do that?"). I chimed in to ask if they were talking about the fake window on the c-pillar and they said yes.

I'm more disgusted by the fake grille made of plastic on the front of this car.

Congratulations, Mr. HateBox and Mr. Doctor Shieldsy, on COTD! I have a beige van for each of you which this lovely lady will deliver as soon as she gets her thumb unstuck.

Hmm I live in France. Ze land of the ze diesel. Where 70% of new cars sold are diesel powered. I have driven most of the more common recent diesel engines that power the cars I see on the streets on a daily basis. So yeah I think I have a fairly good educated idea of them. I apologise if I find them uninteresting,

efff…. I just bought a tdi wagon 6 months ago..

yay panoramic sunroof

I'm sorry, the correct answer is Miata. Thanks for playing.

Well,'s time!